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to anyone still reading this, stay safe yeah?
and wow i cant believe ppl are still reading this 😭😭

it's haeyoung birthday today right

yes and wat abt it
don't hire ppl to stalk her or anything

i need to see how she's doing!

that's an excuse okay
you want to see how's she doing but deep inside
you just to make urself feel better from the guilt but honestly speaking
she's scared
she hates you for crying out loud
what you are doing is just harming her

i'm not harming her

yes you are
watching her from a distance is fine
you might regret what u did so that's okay
but you do not hire ppl to stalk her at all
and you should not be texting or calling me
using me as a source to see how's she doing

so i can't be around my own daughter now?
even if i go right up to her, she will just shoo me away
i cant even be near her right now

well i guess that's karma for what you did to her when she was younger
take the hint and don't bother her
watch from a distance, don't hire anyone to stalk her
write a letter or something to apologise
if i were her, i wldnt forgive you either

so you got your memory back

wtf does that do with anything

block unknown?

"god, i feel pity for haeyoung for having such a bad mom," dongpyo muttered, running his hand through his hair, throwing his phone onto his bed. he hates himself for being a coward and not wanting to tell haeyoung he got his memory back. but miyoung is his girlfriend right now, and it will create a big mess of things if he tells the truth. but firstly, he needs to stop haeyoung's mom from stalking her own daughter.

"maybe i should just trying to be with miy- never mind, that's a bad idea." dongpyo tried to think of ways to not hurt anyone's feelings, but with whatever idea he came up with, it will just leave one feeling hurt. "but what if haeyoung lost feelings for me already?" he thought out loud, groaning at the idea. he doesn't want to think of that. but if he was haeyoung, he would probably try to be with someone else too.

"and why the hell did i get a girlfriend when i already have one?" dongpyo grumbled out loud, hating himself. he plopped himself on his bed, punching his pillow with his head in annoyance. "maybe i should really try to be with miyoung. haeyoung probably has feelings for jaejin now again." he sighed before rolling over, staring at the ceiling.

"maybe they are meant to be."

fear(s) 🔪 son dongpyo Where stories live. Discover now