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so is there anyone still reading this?
i feel bad for not updating for a month
i keep procrastinating but hey reading the
comments give me motivation :)
anyway it's been like over a year since i first
started fear :')
time flies man
anyway this is longer than usual aND IM SORRY

"pfft, she thinks she can stop you from being with dongpyo," yeseul laughed as haeyoung filled her in what happen earlier the day.

"yeah, oh well. did you see dongpyo?" she asked as she looked around the lecture room. just seeing his face is enough to brighten her day and he even got his memory back.

"nah, i haven't. it's still early, he will be here later," her friend replied, looking around too. well, it was definitely early since they both were one of the few in the room already. it was an early morning, with just a cup of warm coffee to keep them awake. it wasn't much but at least that one small cup can help keep them awake for awhile. as time pass, students started to fill the room. but haeyoung noticed something weird.

"say, why are people looking at me weirdly?" she asked, noticing that people were looking at her with mocking looks. she usually really doesn't care whether people judge her or not, but the stares that day were too mocking and were piercing her as they came in.

"i don't know," yeseul shrugged, looking at the faces as the students whispered among themselves, clearly about haeyoung. "it's probably just something."

haeyoung rolled her eyes. some days her friend wasn't that helpful. and that was the day she wasn't. "that isn't comforting."

"well, i'm not exactly the most comforting person."

"eh, true that i guess," she shrugged. "but you did comfort me when dongpyo left."

"that was when i put my heart and soul into trying to give you advice. honestly i just pretty suck at it overall."

haeyoung chuckled. whether yeseul sucks at giving advice or not, it did help overall. she only had her, and she was already grateful for it. "but it did help a lot though."

"welcome bitch," yeseul grinned, hitting haeyoung with a light slap on her shoulder.

"thank bitch."


the two turned around to see a tired looking kimoon bursting into the lecture room. his sudden shout caused people to stare at him. "ah, sorry," he apologised quietly and bowing slightly before heading towards the girl.

"yeah, kimoon?" haeyoung raised an eyebrow at his outburst. it's not likely you see kimoon shout all of a sudden.  he was rather introverted and doesn't want to gain so much attention on himself.

"so, how's life? anything weird going on?" he asked, taking the empty seat beside yeseul.

"you literally just burst into the room screaming 'HAEYOUNG'. clearly you the weird one here," yeseul remarked.

"well, aren't you weirder than me?"


haeyoung rolled her eyes as they both bickered around. it isn't weird to see her friends bickering around, she got used to it overtime.

"i have no time to argue with you. um haeyoung."

"yeah?" she turned to kimoon, raising an eyebrow.

"notice anything weird going on?" he asked nervously, scratching his neck. haeyoung raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.


"she did. people were looking at her weirdly," yeseul cut her off. haeyoung sighed and nodded.

".. right, that."

"um well, i heard people were talking about um.." kimoon seemed hesitant to start talking. didn't he just literally burst into the room shouting her name and now wouldn't tell her why?

"kimoon, speak. what were they talking about?"

he sighed and took a deep breath, seem to trying to find the right words to say.

"some rumour spread that you work part time at a bar giving some 'special services'," he said quickly, looking at haeyoung for a reaction.

she laughed. "what kind of rumour is that?"

kimoon and yeseul wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. they looked at each other, confused. kimoon coughed, trying to get the attention. "i just heard people talking about it and thought i should tell you."

haeyoung sighed and shook her head. "clearly they could have been more creative? like hello? there's nothing appealing about me to do 'special services'. whoever created that rumour is dumb." but honestly speaking, she was kinda shocked inside. who would create a rumour like that? miyoung. haeyoung cursed under her breath. of course it would be miyoung, who else would it even be? considering the small incident earlier that day, it seems more likely that miyoung created that rumour.

"i'm sure it will die down soon," yeseul comforted.

"eh, i don't really care honestly."

but she does.

fear(s) 🔪 son dongpyo Where stories live. Discover now