Chapter 1: I Remember

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Xavier POV

=Before Summer Break=

Reality didn't hit till I woke up this morning, and I remembered that we were leaving our home today.

Leaving behind memories, accomplishments, friends, Everything I knew was going to be the thing of the past.

But we're not really moving by our own choice, it's my mom's new job position. The hospital up there in Oakland needs a surgeon like her, and she's willing to do the right thing at all means. We just had to leave at a certain time, and that caught us off guard.

         We finished packing everything up last night. Knowing as soon as I left school today, it was going to be the beginning of our summer break, and this was the evening we have to Travel down there.

Our flight time is scheduled at 8:30 pm, so we're traveling at night.

I said goodbye to all my so-called friends, and to all of my teachers that supported me while I was there.

It was a little sad when I had to tell everyone that after this summer I wouldn't be coming back to school. But I wasn't too discouraged....I'm not going to miss putting up with people that would cast me out.

It was more of them than people who were on my side.....besides my caring mother. But the past is the past and there's no time machine to change the past.

I felt a hand tap my right shoulder, and I turned to see that it was my mom. In her hand was a bottle of water I asked for about two minutes ago.

I took my headphones off, exiting my own world back into reality.

"Thank you." I grabbed the bottle out of her hand.

"Your welcome." She responded taking a seat right beside me.

The vibration of the jet engines shook the bench as the next plane took flight to there destination.

Mom took a sip of her water while I just stared at mine, pulling at the paper that it's wrapped with. I'm not really thirsty anymore, it's just too many clouds of emotions flowing through me at one time.

I'm not mentally prepared to leave.

Mom looked over towards me with my head down, that drove her attention towards me.

"How are you feeling?" My mom folded her arms

I opened my mouth to answer her question but I couldn't utter out an answer as to how I'm feeling, so I just looked her in the eyes and shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't want to move to Cali do you?" She asked

"No, of course not...." I exhaled as I sat back in the bench. "Well.....I don't know, this is really messing with my head. I didn't know the pressure of moving would be this great."

        She stared me in my eyes shaking her head in agreement, I'm guessing she was feeling the same way.

So she crossed her legs and looked up in the sky. She takes in a deep breath and exhales.

"I know how you feel. This is the only city the both of us called home for the past 16 years, and this is where our family has lived. Yes, this snuck up on both of us, but I have no doubt that this was a blessing. I would be offered more if we both go to Oakland, and I take this surgeon job." She took the time to explain.

"I know ma that's why I'm not trying to complain because this is something you and I need." I responded

"You know.....when I got pregnant with you at the age of 18. I thought it was over for dreams in becoming a nurse, going to college to study, and more. But when I had you and your father past away, that unleashed a whole different spirit." She gazed over at me staring me in my eyes. "I prayed and prayed every day, and every night. I couldn't just give up on my dreams that easily, but I also had to be a mother. After you were born I took care of you, in every shape and form. When I went off to school yeah I gave you to your grandmother, and I already knew you would raise hell.*she and I both laughed* But she took great care of you while I was gone, and you were able to still see me whenever I came home."

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