Chapter 3: The Plan

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I open my eyes finally waking up.

Hungry, exhausted, sore, ....but mostly hungry. I had a really great time at the J twin's birthday party yesterday. Sad to say that'll be the last party for this summer, but I think we went out with a bang if you ask me.

But today is officially our last day of freedom, after today we're back in school. For some reason, I'm actually excited to go back to school. I think it's because I'm not in Pheonix anymore.

School down there was hell for me and a lot more people I knew. So we were never excited to go back, but now that I'm here I'm more intrigued in going.

Besides, I'm becoming a Junior. One year closer to becoming a Senior, then I'll be heading to college. But right now it's time to focus on the present.

I picked my phone up off the dresser to check the time. The time was 10:21 am, almost noon. I've been knocked out for 12 hours straight....probably the best sleep I've had all summer.

I raised up out of bed wiping my eyes from my slumber and stood up to stretch out my body. Now in the bathroom running the water for my shower, I take off my chain to set it on the sink.

10-minutes passed by.

I put on my other clothes, brushed my teeth, washed my face and now combing my hair. While doing so I can hear my mom up the hall cooking breakfast in the kitchen. I can hear those eggs hitting the frying pan, also smelling crispy bacon laying on a platter.

Causing me to have more of an appetite.

So I rushed to get my personal hygienes done, and I raced towards the kitchen. Now entering the living room I smell and see everything I thought she'd be cooking, and everything looks very mouthwatering.

"Good morning X." She announced as I stepped into the living room.

"Good morning ma. You cooked all this for breakfast?" I asked looking at all of the food items that were cooked.

"Yeah, I thought you'd be hungry from yesterday. So I was very thoughtful." She then started to fix our plates. "You better be glad it's breakfast, cause it's almost noon."

"Yeah. I thank you for it, and this'll be all I need until dinner." I told her now sitting down at the kitchen table.

"You must got plans today?" My mom asked placing my food in front of me.

"Well, yeah. I was going to go out with my friends to eat, just hanging out one last time." I responded picking my fork up.

"How long are y'all going to be out?" She asked me sitting down with her plate.

"Well, we'll be back home before we have to go to bed for school tomorrow." I took a bite of my pancakes.

"Are you excited about school." She asked me while chewing her food.

"To be honest, yeah. I really am. New school, new year, new people, new opportunities,...etc. You know." I responded

"That's good to hear. You seem to be in better spirits about this school year." She told me. " I can see it all over your face."

"Yeah, this should be a better year for me." I continue to eat breakfast.

"Oh, I got one question though. Do I need to take you to school in the morning?" She asked anxiously

"Well knowing you have to be at work at 7:45 in the morning, Markus was going to drive Jordan and I to school, so I'll be fine with transportation this week." I responded

"But I can pick you up from practice right?" She asked

"Yes ma'am, so I'll be able to tell you about my first day."

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