Chapter 37: Remember The Tigers

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Xavier POV...

Kick-off return, now made their way onto the field, as Markus then left the field with the field goal team. The entire defensive alignment was sitting on the bleachers, including Markus with their heads down.

Seeing them with no enthusiasm was beginning to piss me off.

"Hey!!!" I shouted sitting my helmet down on the ground. "Why the hell y'all got your heads down!!!"

Jordan POV...

Tech kicked the ball downfield to our return team, and Jamal caught a fair catch.

Xavier POV

"Look at the scoreboard X!!!" A teammate shouted back at me and point to the object. "Get real bro!!!."

"You think we finna come back from that?!" Markus asked in an upsetting manner. "I fucked up and it costed us. We can't come back from that shit."

"What!!!?" I was stunned. "Y'all talking like we ain't good enough to come back!!! Do y'all have little faith?!"

Jordan POV...

"Let's go!!! Take the field!!!" I shouted as the offense made our way onto the field in a hurry.

Xavier POV...

"I did not come this far, just so y'all can fold. We all have worked our asses off for this moment, nothing comes easy fellas!!!" I shouted.

Jordan POV...

"Ready hit!!!" I shouted and started the play.

Our O-lineman blocked with their hearts, and the wide receivers ran downfield running their routes.

I slung a bullet to the first open man, but it was incomplete.

Xavier POV...

"And Markus... you..are..not..perfect, none of us are. The only perfect human being that ever walked this earth was Jesus. So yes as humans, we are going to fuck up one time, but we cannot dread over one lost play, cause if you do that—your battle is lost!!!"

Jordan POV...

"Ready Hit!!!" I began the play-action, but defenders were blitzing towards me again.

I managed to scramble to my left, still getting pulled down to the ground throwing another incompletion. We haven't gained not one yard

Xavier POV...

"I'm not gonna allow y'all to give up this easy on your selves. We had one bad drive, oh fucking well!!!! Until that clock hit zero, we still at war with these muthafuckas!!!" I shouted as I caught everybody's attention who was in our area.

Jordan POV...

We're on the 40 yard-line, not even close to techs territory. Coach Floyd shouted the next play that he suggests us to run, but that's when I felt something different collide with my inner conscience. So instead of going straight into the play, I huddle up with the offense.

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