Chapter 11: The Countdown

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=A week later =

Oakland High has been growing on me for the past 2 weeks of being back in school.

The people that work and teach here are really big on education and athletics. That's why this is one of the best schools to attend in the city, almost every student here has the same goal—and that's to graduate from high school.

Last week was beginning of our first lessons, and we've already received an essay assignment in our Ap Language class.

It's nothing complex though, she just wants to see where we are with our creative writing skills. I already do a lot of writing in my free time, so I'll have a good advantage on showing her that Im one of her best writers. As for the rest of our classes, I have to study some notes we took down for upcoming quizzes.

Hell speaking of notes, Im jotting down some right now in Anatomy. The room was in silence as Mrs Kim stood and taught the class the anatomical of the human body. Not one whisper was heard in the air, because everybody was in concentrating on what was going on.

But my concentration was broke when one of my classmates—Sydney passed me a note.

Who still pass notes in class? But I opened it up anyway too see that it was her social media information.

Snapchat: @love_Syd
Instagram: @therealSydney

I glanced in her direction to her peeping out the corner of her eye smiling at me. I put the note in my binder but I don't say anything to her.

As I mentioned before, there's a lot eye-candy at this high school. Nobody here was ugly or average, you were either cute, fine, or bad. There's really no in between when you attend here, but for me it was always a situation to deal with every other day.

After 20 minutes, Mrs. Kim finally turn the lights back on. The illumination from the light struck our eyes within that split second and everybody raised there heads up.

"Okay class, we have two more minutes till the bell ring." Mrs Kim announced checking her watch. "Remember we'll have a quiz this upcoming Friday, so make sure you all study your anatomical terms."

I proceeded to place my notes in the science section of my notebook, and pack up the rest of my things.

"So you gonna add me?" Sydney eyes began to glow in interest.

"Some day." I responded.

"Someday?" She raises her left eyebrow and smirked.

I chuckled placing my things back in my book bag. "Yeah some day."

"You can't add me today?" Confusion reflects off her face.

I set my book bag down on the table. "Probably not. I be busy most of the day and due to me being busy, I rarely have time to be in my phone."

She tilted her head squinting her eyes "How you don't be having time to be on your phone?" She laughed

"One, I be having homework to complete, and two I play sports so I'm at practice everyday." I said putting my book bag strap over my shoulders. "And if you were me... you would know time is really not your best friend during school."

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