Chapter 19: We Became Hysterical

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= Monday Afternoon =

When I was younger I always dreamed of becoming that one popular guy in high school.

The guy the whole school would talk about, the guy females would want to be around, and the guy everyone would praise and admire. But as I aged I found out that I never want to be famous, I just want to always enjoy the things I love to do. Cause when you're popular, you tend to want to meet everybody's standards, and that's when you grow a reputation for yourself.

I'm still young and there are other things that I can worry about than being popular. But after last weeks game, I became the talk around school. Come to find out I was chosen as one of the players to be player of the week.

When Skylar and Julio posted the photos on there media, rumors began to spread like wildfire. For the students that were their, they saw everything I did to be a team player.

Now when I walk past students in the hallways, they all seem to catch my eye, and they would recognize who I am. I don't think what I did was such a big deal though, I just took the opportunity to play my favorite sport. I can honestly careless about the amount of attention I'm receiving.

But as for Markus and Jordan, they've been going around school acting like NFL superstars. I've just been quiet most of the day, completing my assignments, and talking to my friends from the block.

But now as our last period commence, we now make our way into our locker room getting ready for workouts and after school practice. Today was another opportunity to get better in both academics and athletics. As we enter the locker room we were greeted by the rest of our teammates that were dressing up for the workout period.

"Y'all boys ready for this hard work!?" We heard August shout.

"That's the only way we're going to become great." I responded now changing my clothes.

"Hell from how we played last Friday we're already great, so we really don't have anything to worry about." One of my teammates shouted.

"Not after one game though. We can't get too ahead of ourselves after one good game." Markus responded closing his locker putting on his workout shirt.

"He's right." Jordan responded. "We need to continue to practice like we've been doing all summer. We can't take any day for granted."

"Yeah, so our offense scored 51 points on the board. But on defense, we can do way better than that. The other team should've never scored not one time." I responded closing my locker now fully dressed in my workout clothes. "We still have more things we can get better at, just take one day at a time."

I slammed my locker shut.

After we left the locker room, we went straight into working out. 2 days of rest was all we needed to be on our high motor this afternoon.

Today we worked out our Lower and Upper bodies. So during our workout, we was to do Bench press, squats, curls, and calf raises. Everybody in the weight room was doing there part at getting better and not one person slacked off on the rep. You could tell everybody was pushing there selves, due to the amount of sweat damping up the floors, and the sound of our weights clinging against the metal.

Whenever we enter the weight room it's never silent, cause everybody is on the move to every workout that needs to be done.

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