Chapter 10: Teenage

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After spending an hour at the Rail Station, Stacy and I got back on the road heading back to our neighborhood. Glancing at the sun as it began to glow among the horizon, I looked at the clock on the radio and it was officially 6:30pm.

Stacy was in the passenger seat catching Zzz from all the running she did on the train tracks earlier. I'd be knocked out too if I didn't have to drive back, but it doesn't bother me. I can go to sleep as soon as I get home.

But as I ride back through the streets where we came in, my surroundings catch my attention.

        On this side of town, you can see a lot more of Oakland's culture. When I say culture, I mean places that really stand out for the city, like Rock ridge, Uptown, and Piedmont Avenue. Yeah I've seen most of the city this past summer, but I really haven't gone deep in the roots of Oakland just yet.

I've seen that the city can beautiful, but it can also be dangerous. But that's everywhere you go though, every place has its flaws. Sometimes it takes a minute for it to show it's true colors.

That's why when we ever go back out during the night time, like we did that night at the gas station, we'll be more wise with our decisions.

But besides all that, it's a lot of stuff I've been missing out on since I've been here, but I still got time to explore. So I'm not in a rush.

Now I take a left, turning into our neighborhood almost to our house. It was quiet as usual, and no sign of little kids riding there tricycles up and down the road. I wonder what the others were doing while we were still gone, cause a nap doesn't last for hours.

= Earlier =

Candace POV...

I wake up to find myself still in the tent, and to my surprise everybody was cooped up on each other sleeping like a bunch of kids. As I tried to lift myself up, I sort of felt more weight impact my arms.

Skylar was dead asleep on my back.

I'm glad this girl don't snore, or slob in her sleep cause her head was right beside mine. But she do need to get hell off of me, I can't lift her and myself off the mattress.

"Skylar..." I murmured.

"What girl?" She said sounding like she's barely awake.

"Girl, I'm trying to get up." I responded.

"Just a few more minutes." Skylar begged.

"Sky... you're bigger than me gul." I struggled trying to  lift her off of me again, but then my arms finally gave out. "Come on I'm trying to get up."

"Hey can y'all like quiet down." I looked up hearing Jordan's voice. "People still tryna nap."

Oh he got some nerve...

"You must forgot where you were this ain't yo house." I responded louder.

"Here we go again." I heard Jessica say.

"Candace." Jordan rose up off the mattress. "You invited us over, so I expect some proper hospitality."

Skylar POV...

"Hold up." Candace chuckled in sarcasm. "Proper hospitality you say, you lucky I even let yo ass fall asleep in here."

These two argue and fight like a pair of siblings I swear. I just wanted to get more sleep, but these two just had to go at it once again.

"Well I'm trying to go back to sleep and so are they. So can you do us all a favor, and keep quiet." Jordan said as he laid back down.

Oh shit...

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