Chapter 15: Diversity

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My alarm went off at 6 o'clock this morning, and I realize that Friday was finally here.

Full of energy I rushed out of bed, and ran straight to the bathroom to do all of my personal hygienes. I took another 10 minute shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair.

Afterwards I ironed out my white dress shirt, a pair of khaki shorts, and picked out a pair of loafers. Yes, I'm dressing casual.

After practice ended yesterday our head coach told us to dress professionally for the pep rally. He said it would make us look like professionals, ready to do their jobs. The only time I ever dressed casual is when I'm going to church, and that's about it. But I always knew how to dress up for certain events.

So I got dressed, sprayed on some cologne, and now I just have to put this tie on. I stood in the mirror as I was fixing up my tie, while doing so I was looking at how I was dressed.

"You look very handsome. " I heard my mom's voice.

I turned to the door seeing her stand in the door frame smiling. The people at the hospital was nice enough to give my mom the day off, so she could attend tonight's game. She's been as excited as I've been all morning. It's been so long since she's seen my play football, and that's been a hard pill to swallow for her.

But tonight all thats about to change.

"Thank you." I responded feeling better about the way I dressed.

"Y'all coach got you all doing a good thing." She said as she entered my room. "Y'all not looking raggedy to represent yourselves for the pep rally."

I giggled. "We never look that bad ma."

"I'm just saying." She folded her arms with that same smile looking down at her shoes. "You're suppose to dress professionally for events like this, even college ball players do it."

"I'm aware." I straightened my collar back up.

She laughed to herself. "I brought something that would top off that outfit."

"You did?"

Without responding she reached into her back pocket and pulled out an silver stainless watch. The way the sun glared off it's surface gave me goosebumps.

"Mama when did you..."

"It was your daddy's." She responded putting the watch on my left wrist. "I felt like today would be the perfect day you wore it. He would've loved to see you off to your first varsity game."

I exhaled. "He's looking right now... we just can't see him looking. But I know he has a huge smile on his face."

She pinched my cheeks and she smiled to the point her teeth brightened up the room. "You're just like him... always knew what to say in every situation."

"I am my fathers child." I giggled

"That, indeed you are." She kissed me on my forehead, and walked back to the door. "You have all your things packed?"

"Yes ma'am, I packed up everything I needed last night before I went to sleep." I looked at my bags sitting on the foot of my bed.

"Alright, well we can get going then." I heard her speak from up the hall.

Forgot to mention that she wanted to take me to school today since she didn't have to work. I looked at my clock and it read 7:03am—that's earlier than when we get on the road to head to school. I wrapped my book bag around my shoulders, and picked up my sports bag as I left the room.

"Ma we're leaving a bit earlier than usual." I spoke to her as I walked down the hallway.

"Oh I wanted to make sure you got a breakfast before school." She grabbed her keys off of the hanger.

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