Chapter 17: Friday Night Lights

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Stacy POV...

The temperature begins to drop as the night creeps into the atmosphere. It's not freezing, but it's cold enough that I have chill bumps traced across the surface of my skin, but the temperature wasn't the only thing that was giving us goosebumps.

Jordan just scored the 6th touchdown for Oakland tonight, now putting up 46 points on the score board, against Galileo's 7. It's the 3rd quarter, and the defense has been shutting out the offense this whole second half, with Xavier having a lot of tackles for loss.

I believe he's average 13 solo tackles so far, and 1 sack for the game. That's huge stats for an incoming football player that nobody ever heard of.

Tonight he's gaining a lot of attention from the crowd, making him a prospect in the making.

As kick off makes there way off the field for the hundredth time tonight, I could see Xavier and Markus make there way off the sideline running back onto the field. So far both of them has had a great game, and we've been having so much fun watching all three of the boys plays. But I've been so impressed with what Xavier could do out there on the field.

The offensive line man can barely block him, he haven't missed not one tackle he came across, and he's really fast.

I know his mother is really proud of him, as she's almost jumping over rail cheering for her baby boy. Another play was ran and they tried to run it up the middle, but he made it to the back field before he passed line of scrimmage. Make that 14 solo tackles.

Everybody on the field got set again, and the defense were in the cover 3 formation. The play began and he dropped for a pass. Not moving to far from the line of scrimmage he watches the quarterback as he continues to cover the wide receiver.

I don't know how Xavier knew it but as soon as the quarterback began to make a run for it, X retraced his steps going towards the quarterback. But an offensive linemen ran to him, but before he could touch him— Xavier leaped tripping the Quarterback up making it his second sack tonight.

The offensive of lineman fell on Xavier when he was already on the ground, and the play was over with. He can't get a stat now, I began to laugh to myself.

"That's right Xavier!!!" Nya screamed in my ears.

I couldn't say anything though, I was doing a hell of a lot screaming myself.

"Keep going Baby!!!" I shouted again, and he looks up at me and put his thumbs up.

Xavier POV...

As the offense got into their formation I would be looking observing every player on field, to see if I could scope out a play they were probably going to run.

"What you see X!" Markus shouted from behind me.

"Stay where y'all at, this could be a pass play!" I shouted as I looked the running back in his eyes.

"Ready set, Hut!!!" The play begins, and just like I said this was pass play.

I broke off into my coverage against a wide receiver as he sprints down the field. The quarterback throws the ball to another receiver and he was taken down by my teammate.

The whistle blowed

"Good job b..." I was interrupted feeling a strong force strike me in the back of my pads, causing me to fall face first into the ground.

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