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The husband kept his eyes on his wife who was undergoing labor giving birth to their only son. Seeing the pain in her expression, the husband caressed her cheeks as he rubs her hand.

"You're doing very well honey. We'll be finish in no time."

The husband encourages as he smiles behind the mask. The wife kept pushing and fighting to get her son to be born. Being pregnant and giving birth was not easy to handle and take easy upon. As cries were heard, the husband was crying in joy with his wife who was doing the same but was lot more paler compared to before. The husband was then out with the other doctors while the other doctors were helping the wife transfer back to her room. The baby was taken into care for the first few hours to check if his condition was fine. As they wrapped him and put a small hat on to keep him warm, they returned back to the lucky parents. The husband was worried of his wife, who was suddenly taking heavy breaths. As the doctors and nurse came in with the baby, he stood and took the doctor out to talk about the situation. The nurse looked at them before glancing back at the mother sadly and hand over the baby.

"He is so cute.. thank goodness I was able to see him before I go.."

"Ma'am.. what is the baby name..?"

"His name... he will be Daehwi.. Lee Daehwi...."

She smiled as her husband returned back into the room with tears falling.

"You were sick and yet you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you, I always wanted to keep you happy.."

"You gave birth and yet, you're focused on my emotions? Didn't you think of what Daehwi would want as he grows?"

"Yes.. I know..."

She finishes the conversation as her final breath came. The baby then started to cry as the grip around his lightens. The husband was heart broken at the sight. He took the baby and rocked him to calm him down as he was crying. The husband reaches for his wife's hand and holding it tightly only in hopes of having her come back. Little to know, the weather outside was heavy and thunders were here and there.

"Pl-Please.. don't just leave us. Daehwi should at least be able see your face enough to remember."

The doctor turned off the machines and then proceeded with the name and time of death.

Few Months Later

Daehwi's father was standing next to his son who was in the stroller. He bend down to where he assumed the baby Hwi would see.

"Mommy is here, she will listen to you whether or not you see her. Just remember, even though you can't see her much, she will always love you, you are the only person who is dearest to her heart."

Daehwi's smile grew as he was swinging his little legs and arm around. The sight of the baby playing was enough to put the smile on his father's face. The father then stood and grabbed onto the flowers and showed Daehwi.

"These yellow plants are flowers called Dandelions, they were your mommy's favorite because of how unique and different these are from other flowers."

Daehwi's eyes were filled of curiosity trying to understand and touch the yellow in front of him. As he was close to touch it, his father pulled it back and pulled out one of the flower.

"Here, we can keep this one. Now watch, if you put it here, it would send the flowers up to her. We need to do this consistently so she won't be lonely."

The father explained as the baby Hwi was playing with the given dandelion sharing a bright smile.

"Ready to go home?"


Daehwi responded happily handing his father the given dandelion. The father laughed as he took it then stood up to begin pushing the stroller again.

Few Years Later


Daehwi shouts as he returned home from school, his happiness was because he aced his test. He dropped his things off at the living room and run to the kitchen hoping his father would be there.

"Father? Father!"

Daehwi kept running around the house to not see his father anywhere. The weather worsen outside as time passes while Daehwi kept searching the house for his father. Soon the bell rang, he grew excited again then went to the door and opened it to meet someone else.

"Are you Lee Daehwi..?"

"Y-Yes..? Do you know who my father is..?"

"Ah, yeah. I worked with him."

"Oh?! Do you know where he is?"

"Hey kid, you promise you won't be sad or cry right?"

Daehwi then nod his head as his grip on his test tightens.

"Your father.. he was in a thing called hit and run."

"W-What is that..?"

"Its like this.. then this."

The worker said gesturing as Daehwi tries to understand.

"Mmm.. s-sir..? Can I... see my father..?"

"He's in the hospital, I'm pretty sure he wanted me to keep you here till a phone call rings for you."


"Come here buddy."

The worker said opening his arms as Daehwi slowly come forward. The worker pulled him up letting his umbrella rest by the door then walked inside and closing the door. They waited and waited in the living room awkwardly with each other. The phone of the worker's rang, he excused himself and took it. He left the living room to have the quiet he need incase the phone rings in the living room. Daehwi sat waiting, as he decided to go watch TV, the phone rang, he hurried and picked it up.


"Ah, is this the resident of Mr. Lee?"


"Oh, I'd like to call to say bad news..."

And so Daehwi's world had blacked out as the news was given. Hearing hellos from the nurse, Daehwi slowly put the phone down returning it back to its place. The worker returned and hoped to hear something as he saw Daehwi standing there.



Daehwi said as his voice breaks, the worker automatically responded as he rushed to the boy and embraced him. Daehwi cried into the worker's shoulders of the sudden news that he shouldn't have known about.

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