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Months passed, eventually those exams time passed too. Daehwi and Jinyoung sorta parted ways going into their own study mode despite the exams were already over. Seonho was whining to Daehwi to make him go somewhere but the latter didn't budged.

"Yah! Bae Jinyoung! What did you do to make my friend a study holic?!"

Seonho exclaimed at Jinyoung, who was sitting next to Daehwi, doing his own work. Jinyoung dug through his pockets and handed Seonho his wallet full of cash.

"Go buy yourself something, I'm busy."

Jinyoung said going back to his textbook and writing on his notebook. Seonho looked inside and to see the cash.


He whispered to Daehwi who seemed unbothered of the situation. Seonho dashed out ready to buy himself some snacks. After hearing the door closed, both Jinyoung and Daehwi stopped everything and stretched.

"You're that done with Seonho? Why would you give him your wallet?"

"It'll give us some time anyways. If he spends all of that money then let him. Because of whatever my parents are doing, giving me the rental money for now reason. Just let him have it for the time being."

"Why give us more time to just talk normally without any of our friends catching us? It's not like we never stay in that one room anymore."

"Or is it because I want to do something, get up."


Jinyoung stood then walked up to the front of the classroom while Daehwi slowly followed. They got up to the blackboard, Jinyoung just stared at it while Daehwi was trying to figure out why before something grabbed him. Jinyoung grabbed Daehwi tightly and moved him quickly against the blackboard. Jinyoung pin Daehwi against the wall, Daehwi was fighting back from the sudden action from Jinyoung.

"Yah! Let go!"

Daehwi shout while trying to pry himself away from the wall but only in the end led to Jinyoung pushing him back. A student came back to the classroom and happened to see Daehwi and Jinyoung through the door's window. Seeing the situation, the student took out his phone and started recording the scene. Unlike the two inside, unaware of whats happening, Daehwi was running short of breath after continuously trying to break free from Jinyoung. Jinyoung watched Daehwi struggle while he lightened up on the grips and pressure on the other. When Daehwi was finally able to push himself away from the wall, Jinyoung held onto his wrist again and pulled him in his embrace.

"Whats wrong with you?!"

Daehwi continued punching Jinyoung's chest as hard as he can. That backfired as Jinyoung tightened the grip around him.

"I miss the feeling of love, you know? My parents really think I'm not apart of the family no more."

Jinyoung finally said explaining his feelings, he rested his head on Daehwi's shoulder and rock them back and forth.

"If its about that, then you shouldn't have to do-"

Jinyoung pulled away and looked at Daehwi that made Daehwi stopped talking quickly. Jinyoung wrapped his hand around Daehwi's neck while his free hand lift Daehwi's chin up. Jinyoung slowly leaned in and met Daehwi's lips. They stood there, kissing each other and of course, not noticing, a camera filming it all. Woojin was returning from playing basketball, he found a student lowering his phone then made eye contact with him. Woojin continued over since he want to meet with Jinyoung. That student turned around quickly and ran off leaving Woojin confused.

"Huh? Did I do something wrong? I can't be that imitating."

Woojin thought then went inside the classroom. There was Jinyoung teaching Daehwi back at their seats. Woojin sighed knowing education really can't be torn apart from Jinyoung.

"Let's go to the park and relax there after? You don't have class next period so why are you guys still here?"

"It's a study time if we don't have classes together, but yeah. Meet us in the same park okay? Ah, make sure Seonho is there too."

Woojin nodded then shrugged it off as he watched them study before the bell rang. The two didn't flinch as they stay where they are ignoring the students outside. Woojin took his leave and so the day continued on from there. Jinyoung shoutings and lectures were getting difficult as school was about to come to an end. Now Daehwi's hand felt miserable from all the writing he had done. The bell rang, Jinyoung smiled at that cause he had planned today to be the final day of just studying. Now he can be like every other teenagers and have fun enjoying his life before graduations come around the corner. They packed up their things then walked out together again being filmed for shorter amount of time. They went down the stairs and went to the gates where they see Seonho and Woojin standing there waiting on them instead.

"You think you guys can go alone?"

Seonho asked Daehwi with his arms across from his chest.

"Enough of the scoldings, let's go off together yeah?"

Woojin recommended as he wrapped his arms around Daehwi and Woojin putting himself between the friends. Jinyoung saw Woojin's arm around Daehwi's neck and couldn't help but to feel betrayed and anger. He rolled his eyes then took off without the others hurrying behind. They left like they're friends for so long that could possibly fool people they went passed from the amount of chaos they created with one and another. Nearly arriving at the park, Woojin and Seonho took off in a run leaving the two behind.

"It's weird that we ran into each other that day. Now looking at us, we're going to a place together without any hate or argument."

"Fate playing with us huh? Surprised Woojin became friends with Seonho quite easily."

"Does Woojin eat a lot?"

"Yeah with Jihoon-ssi. He and Jihoon would eat for hours and still not be full."

"Haha, sounds like Seonho too. They really got big stomachs being able to consumed a lot."

They continued to chat as they arrived at the park where they see Seonho looking tired chasing after the energetic Woojin.

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