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Jinyoung watched the videos that was mainly targeted towards Daehwi only in the end to find the video that happened today. So much pausing and rewinding Jinyoung took out his phone and took the pictures of each scene revealing those students face. Lowering everything he sighs then glanced back at Daehwi who was still unconscious.

"You pick up a fight against bigger and stronger guys. And you're only alone knowing you can't win against that many."

Jinyoung whispered sounding a bit disappointed by Daehwi's action through the video. But the punch that Daehwi sent was caught on video and Jinyoung never felt so proud of that. He looked down at his phone then went to send the pictures to Jihoon.

Jihoon-ah, here's more. Deal with them yeah?

No I'm not retaking these pictures. I took them the clearest I can without needing to send the video to my phone.

Whatever, me and Woojin will stop by your place with yours and Daehwi's things

Jinyoung leaned back then fall against the ground forgetting its not the other chairs where he can lean against. Jinyoung took off his school jacket uniform and looked at it.


"Such a good school, I could go off to a good college graduating from here.. I don't know if I want to continue.."

Jinyoung debated, he grabbed his name tag and count on 3 before using his strength and ripped it out.

"I should just be a model or something, it wouldn't really require much of school's degree.."

He sighs then throw his jacket to the table along with the name tag. He looked through his phone again and bought up the school's board again. He found that video that he watched earlier. Remembering he got access, he grabbed the student's phone again and go through it. Thankfully the account was still logged in. He went through every post and deleted them, he shuts it off and throws it somewhere making sure it cracks. He looked at Daehwi and fell off the chair again.

"Yah! How long have you been awake?!"

Jinyoung asked as soon as he got back to his feet and stared at Daehwi.

"Since you threw the phone-"

Daehwi answered but was soon caught off when Jinyoung suddenly pulled him up and brung him into Jinyoung's arm.

"Why didn't you wait or look for me today?"

He asked as Daehwi only stayed quiet, the scene was still clear in his mind. Of course the two did part but still couldn't help but think about one and another. Jinyoung attempts to pull away from the hug but Daehwi in the end pulled him back.


"Can.. Can we stay like this a little longer..?"

Jinyoung still pulled himself away before climbing on the bed to sit beside Daehwi. He had his legs crisscrossed then pat his legs.

"You can lay here."

Jinyoung said, Daehwi listened and laid in Jinyoung's lap. He managed to take hold of one of Jinyoung's arm and hold it like a doll playing with it. Daehwi then intertwined his fingers with Jinyoung and held it tightly whether or not Jinyoung would fight back and break it apart. Jinyoung on the other hand chuckled at the scene in front of him, he uses his free hand and caressed Daehwi's hair.

"You're not hurt right? Your cheeks and jaws don't hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, their punches are nothing."

Jinyoung obviously doesn't believe him, he reached over and tap on the bruise which Daehwi flinched to it.

"Ah, so you're lying. Come on, sit up."

Jinyoung ordered, Daehwi shook his head and hugged onto Jinyoung's hand with both of his hands. In the end, Jinyoung was able to move Daehwi off from his lap with the tight grip that Daehwi had on his hand.

"Stay here okay? I'll go grab some ice and bandages to cover up that bruise."

"I'm fine though! The bruises can go away on its own."

Daehwi opposed of the idea, he really doesn't want Jinyoung to take care of his bruises. Jinyoung sighs then glared at Daehwi.

"Seeing you with bruises going to remind of the video that was posted."


"You getting ganged in the restroom at school, why else would I be taking care of you here in my room instead of the nurse's office?"

"Even that guy records everything that happens to me."

"Don't worry okay? Jihoon got everything covered for us. Just wait here okay? I'll be back with everything that'll be useful."

Jinyoung got out of bed then went to the door and left. Daehwi scanned the room, he really never thought he was in Jinyoung's room. Spotting the cracked phone, Daehwi got out and hurried to it. He carefully picked it up and turned on the phone. Shockingly it still works, just a bunch of cracks in the way. He looked through the camera roll going carefully. He really felt stalked, everything he does, it was all here in this nearly broken phone. He got to this one video, he doesn't remember anything in the video but only see two people making out and doing other things. He doesn't recall doing any of that with Jinyoung but yet why does the people in the video looked so much like him and Jinyoung from afar. Jinyoung came back in the room and saw Daehwi with the shattered screen phone. Jinyoung put the things down then took the phone out of Daehwi's hand.

"That was enough for you to see."

"Jinyoung, do you even remember the two of us doing that ever? I know we didn't but its probably just me that don't remember. Please tell me we didn't go that far."

Jinyoung was confused at Daehwi's words then looked at the video playing on the phone. He let out a curse word before throwing the phone again. Now this time that phone is really a goner.

"No wonder why people are looking at me funny.."

Jinyoung muttered then grabbed Daehwi's wrist so he can apply the medicine on the bruises. After those medicine applied, Jinyoung handed Daehwi the ice pack and laid his hand against it.

"Whatever is in that video, its not us. It may looked like us, but it's really not. The only thing we've done was this."

Jinyoung explained then leaned over to meet Daehwi's lips and kissed deeply.

School Life Changer || JINHWIOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora