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Daehwi pushed Jinyoung off after hearing those words.

"If there's nothing else then I'm going. If the machine stops then its done."

"Pfft, you want me to wear wet clothes?"

"There's no dryers here, you can figure out that situation yourself. I'm going first."

Daehwi then took his leave letting Jinyoung stand there waiting alone. Jinyoung smirked before finding a spot to sit.

"I was hoping he would be my company till my shirt finishes. Never thought he leave so soon when I joked about that."

Jinyoung thought as he button his uniform to cover his torso. As for Daehwi, after leaving, he checked behind him to make sure that Jinyoung wasn't following him. He made his way through the streets and went to the park. To him, the park was like the first home he had ever since the death of his father. He laid against the green grass with his arms out letting the breeze hit him. He had a warm smile with his eyes close enjoying the moment. Happy memories were fading in and out of his small mind, being able to see his father there, so happy to see the face that he once seen before again. He opened his eyes slowly then sat up slowly still having the smile on his face. Jinyoung was walking around with the bag in his hands that contained his shirt inside. He saw the park in front of him and saw that same kid.

"Tsk, he left me to go to some damn park?"

Jinyoung complained to himself as he decided to go and meet Daehwi. He saw the other sitting back faced him, he grabbed a small rock from the ground then threw it at him. As it hit the other's head, Jinyoung smirk feeling proud of his shots.


Daehwi shouts as his smile disappeared as he turned to see who it was. Jinyoung only waved at him before approaching the other.

"You piece of crap, throwing rocks at me now? Am I really worth your time to mess with?"

"Yes, because you're trash that is meant to be messed with."

Daehwi got up quickly as Jinyoung hurried and run off. They got to a tree, Jinyoung kept going from one side to another trying to trick Daehwi.

"How stupid do you think I am? We're not kids anymore!"

"I know, because I can go this way too."

Jinyoung stuck his tongue then run from the tree as Daehwi hurried after. Jinyoung took his bag out and throw it behind him not realizing the bag was open. As Daehwi caught the bag, photos fell out of it which stopped him from running. Daehwi picked up the pictures and noticed the mother and father. Examining through the pictures, he found a torn up picture that only shows the mother and Jinyoung, he assumed. Jinyoung turned around not hearing any running footsteps behind, he saw Daehwi looking through the pictures. Feeling somewhat angered and unsecured of his own life privacy, he marched towards Daehwi and grabbed the photos.

"Why were you looking through these?"

"They fell out, as I was quote, going, to put them back but that torn picture there, stopped me."

"What does this torn paper have to do with you huh?"

"You're hiding something? Did your mom do something you didn't like?"

"Shut up, you don't know nothing about me or what I'm going through."

"Says the one that was bugging me, but it seems that we both not living the perfect life."

Jinyoung ignored Daehwi then continued to stuff the pictures back in his bag and zipped it this time. He slung the bag around his shoulders then glared at Daehwi.

"Perfect life huh? You might have it since you are still with both your parents."

Jinyoung said coldly not thinking twice about Daehwi's background. Hearing that from Daehwi's side, he was hurt, his emotions were balling up again. Jinyoung shoved passed Daehwi then continued off to home. Daehwi stood there, slowly a seconds passed, a tear dropped from his left eye as he stared at the ground not willing to show his emotions to anyone that may walk passed.

"He doesn't think about anything either... he didn't even think that he can hurt someone with those words.."

Daehwi mumbled as he tighten his fists making his knuckles white. As rain started to pour, the sky darkens as it grew heavier. Daehwi grew scared and flinch when lightning struck. He started to run back to where his bag was at the beginning and fell as another lightning struck. His breathing wasn't getting any better as it grew heavy when he grabbed hold of his bag. He clutched onto his bag and covered his ears as his body got soaked under the rain. He wanted to move, but he couldn't. He wanted to find a place to dry off but he was frozen at that spot not knowing what to do in the rain. His heart drops as he remembers all the bad news that happened when weather like this visited him. The story of his mother's death that his father given him when he was just entering school. And finally the news that the hospital nurse had given him that day when he had aced his test.

"S-Someone... he-help me..."

Daehwi pleaded quietly as his fingers shakes uncontrollably. Now, as for Jinyoung, he was inside of a store eating a snack while it was raining. He stared out the window thinking back to what he had said earlier. He then slammed his hand after realizing what he had said before.

"Am I a idiot? I know nothing about him and I assumed his life style? Aish, he better- oh.. it's raining, he can't still be there."

Jinyoung thought as he finishes up a few bites of his snack and throw it away. He looked around the store for an umbrella as he didn't bring himself one for the day. He paid for the newly bought umbrella then headed out. Not thinking twice, he went to the park with little to no chances of seeing Daehwi there. Walking down the sidewalk where he shoved passed Daehwi, it didn't took long till he found him standing there holding onto his bag tightly.

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