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Daehwi was sitting across from Jinyoung and sitting next to his friend. He still can't get the image of Jinyoung shirtless out of his head thanks to earlier. They already had food ordered, just sitting there waiting in silence. Seonho tried to talk to Daehwi but Daehwi was so out of it. Jinyoung reached over, Daehwi flinched immediately then glared at Jinyoung not wanting to be touched. Jinyoung pointed to the side where Seonho was staring at him impatiently.

"What's wrong with you huh? Why are you always staring out in space? Especially in times like this!"

"It's fine, nothing wrong-"

"Or was it because you saw something you shouldn't see?"

Jinyoung butt in, Seonho glanced at Jinyoung back at Daehwi understanding those words.


Seonho slapped Daehwi which surprised him from that. Seonho stood up quickly grabbing Daehwi and dragged him to the restrooms while Jinyoung sat there watching in confusion. Jinyoung thought of other ways that may not what he meant.

"Oh... don't tell me he-"

"Table 11 right?"


"Here's your order."

"Thank you."

Jinyoung was arranging the given food to the correct spots waiting for the other two to return. Daehwi stood against the wall tapping on his waist while Seonho was pacing back and forth. Seonho looked at Daehwi then rushed to him grabbing him on the shoulders tightly.

"Yah! Are you out of your mind?!"

He shouted shaking Daehwi furiously, Daehwi grabbed on Seonho trying to prevent the shaking a bit.

"What? What did I do that would make me crazy?! You're the one over exaggerating!"

Daehwi exclaimed trying to defend himself and get Seonho out of whatever he thought was suppose to happen.

"Did you two really-"

"NO! No way! Why would you even think that?!"

And soon the bathroom door opened revealing Jinyoung. Jinyoung caught the two, Seonho holding on Daehwi as while Daehwi was doing the same to Seonho. The two were staring at Jinyoung with the awkward silence between them.

"Uhh.. food-"

"Daehwi, we'll continue later."

Seonho said then stormed out returning to their tables to eat. Jinyoung looked back at Seonho then at Daehwi. Before Daehwi can exit the restroom, Jinyoung stopped him.

"Did he.."

"He thought that way? Yes, he did."


"Let's go eat yeah? Seonho is usually the big eater so be would devour our food if we aren't there."

"Best option yet."

And so the two hurried out of the restroom and returned to their tables. They sighed in relief after seeing their food is still in one piece. Seonho was munching away while the two start eating.


"Ahh, that was some good food!"

Seonho said as he stretched walking ahead of the two then remembered the situation before. He turned around quickly making the other two's movement stop.

"Say you two do look good together. Daehwi! Are you gay?!"


Daehwi was shocked of that sudden assumption while Jinyoung held his laughter.

"Why would you think that?!"

"Look, Jinyoung sunbae doesn't seemed to be the kind of guy to be gay. Look at yourself! Your body even shows that title."

"Seonho, I hate you for assuming who I like you know? Don't you even remember I hate people who thought that I am because of the body I have?"

The change of mood was high and dropped to low in Jinyoung's eyes. For once he actually heard Daehwi talking so rudely and defending himself at the same time. Jinyoung want to say something but then Woojin came into the scene from behind.

"What's my boy doing with these two huh?"

"Treated them lunch for something that I did mistakenly."

"What?! You treated them lunch but not me and Jihoon?"

"You two are good enough alone, why let me third wheel?"

"Look at you now, aren't you third wheeling these two?"

Woojin looked at Seonho then at Daehwi who looked away. Woojin examined what Daehwi was wearing then noticed something.

"Aren't those your clothes? Why does he have it on?"

"If so what if they were actually mines? Clothes I have are common, you would see them everywhere and you wouldn't suspect anything."

"Still though! You and what's his name?"

Jinyoung looked at Daehwi as soon as Daehwi glanced at the two. Woojin and Seonho eyed Daehwi especially then glared at Jinyoung. Woojin looked at Seonho and Seonho happened to noticed it too. Seonho approached Daehwi then what Jinyoung and Daehwi saw in a next second? Knuckle heads that are Woojin and Seonho standing in front of them messing up the eye contact.

"My boy is-"

Jinyoung covered Woojin's mouth quickly and hurried and put him in a headlock position.

"Meet me back at home Daehwi, I'll leave you two."

Jinyoung said then walk off while Woojin was struggling to keep up. Seonho had his mouth open when he heard that. He looked at Daehwi then at Jinyoung and then back at Daehwi.

"You two-"

"No, and stop thinking like that for once!"

"So you are gay!"

What Seonho received next? A simple good o hard slap to the face. Seonho fell to the ground after that impact on his face. His cheek was burning in pain while Daehwi stared down at them then walked away.

"Y-Yah! Wait for me! I hate being alone you know! I'm sorry, okay!"

Seonho shouted as he hurried back to his feet and scrambled after Daehwi. Jinyoung and Woojin ended up going to a nearby cafe to have a "talk" that was suggested by Woojin of course. Ordering two simple drinks as usual. The two stared at each other as soon as they sat down.



"You and Daehwi's relation?"


"Oh come on! You're gay, and gay people are into guys. You like him don't you?"

"What does this have to do with me again?"

"You two earlier, were staring at each other for longer than usual man!"

"Then what are you saying?"

"You like him don't you? Don't tell me you've been hiding this to the point where you guys already done it already."

"If I have a drink right now and I had some in my mouth, I definitely would spit it out all over you and your nice clothes."

Jinyoung said with the hint of disgust in his voice after hearing what Woojin said.

"And whats up with you and Seonho huh? Always thinking him and I are dating."

"You guys acted like one! Come on I just think you're blind for love."

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