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Jinyoung didn't think twice after seeing how drenched the other looked, he hurried over to him and moved the umbrella ahead fo cover the boy. Now it was Jinyoung's turn to get soaked as he prevents the other. Daehwi felt nothing land on him no more, he turned and saw Jinyoung standing there holding the umbrella above him.

"What are you doing back here?"

"I came back to only say sorry, I assumed your life and may have said something offensive.... forgive me.."

Jinyoung apologized, Daehwi was going to say something but lightning struck which scared him. Daehwi, out of response to the lightning, rushed to Jinyoung and wrapped his arms around the latter. Jinyoung grew shock of the move as the umbrella returned back above them both. He felt his uniform being grabbed on tightly by Daehwi. If they stood like that a few more seconds, Jinyoung could eventually feel the shaking from Daehwi's hand.

"Are you.. scared..?"

Jinyoung asks but receive no response, he tried to pull Daehwi off but nothing worked. They stood in silence till Daehwi spoke up.

"He-Help.. me.."

Jinyoung grew curious, he was already helping, he couldn't understand why he was asking for help all of a sudden. Daehwi murmured something so quiet that Jinyoung didn't hear due to the rain. Lightning struck again which Daehwi kept pushing himself against Jinyoung's body while wrapping his arms around as much as possible.

Few Weeks Later

Back in school after suspension from what happened that day. Jinyoung sat in his desk keeping an eye on the door in case Daehwi shows up. Yes, ever since that day, Jinyoung couldn't help but worry about the other. He regret letting the anger out on Daehwi when he shouldn't have. When Daehwi showed up, Jinyoung nearly screw himself over when he tried to act it off. Daehwi sat next to Jinyoung and pulled his things out preparing for today's class. So suddenly, a notebook appeared on his book revealing that it was from Jinyoung. Daehwi sighed as he took Jinyoung's note and throw it back on his.

"Take it, you're going to need today anyways."

"And would I know that this is for real and not a fake lesson?"

"Trust me, you're talking to the top ranked student of this school."

Daehwi's tongue clicked at the sound of that fact not believing it.

"Tsk, says the one that fought me to get his damn shirt cleaned."

"I'm doing it while I'm nice."

Jinyoung said coldly then throw the book right back on the other's desk. Daehwi glared at Jinyoung before rolling his eyes taking the advantage and do so. As class starts, Jinyoung rested his head on his arm while Daehwi writes the notes from the notebook. To his timing, he got to the word that he can barely read off. The teacher was in the middle of instructions and Daehwi really didn't want to get any trouble if he gets caught. He took a deep breath then leaned over to Jinyoung's side poking him lightly.

"Hey... what is this word..?"


"What is this-"

"Daehwi and Jinyoung."

The teacher called them out, Daehwi only turned his head away not bearing to look at the teacher.

"Come up here and do this equation then. If you do it correctly then you're off the hooks."

The teacher said as Daehwi looked at the board before deciding to go up and look at the unanswered equations. He stared at the equation trying to solve everything in his head. Gosh, no wonder he decided to give up on math. Jinyoung stared at the equation then got up to the front and grabbed the chalk. He started to write on the board as Daehwi watches. Jinyoung lowered the chalk then looked at the teacher then Daehwi. Jinyoung walked up to Daehwi and dragged him back to their seats. As the teacher shrugs it off and continued the lesson with the now answered equation explaining it. Jinyoung looked at Daehwi still curious about earlier.

"What were you asking me about..?"

Jinyoung whispered, Daehwi brung his notebook and put in the middle between the two and pointed at the word that was nearly out of the page.

"Ah, here."

Jinyoung took Daehwi's pen and grabbed his notebook and wrote on it. Instead of returning it right away, he ended up writing the remaining notes. Daehwi was going to object and fight Jinyoung over it but not wanting to get caught, he just watched. The bell rung, the students relaxed as their teacher took off. Students were stretching and were out of the classroom in a matter of seconds. Jinyoung and Daehwi were still in class, being the last two as always. If it wasn't for Jinyoung to hog all of Daehwi's belongings, Daehwi would have already went to the cafeteria to get lunch.

"Yah, Bae Jinyoung!"

Woojin shouts as Daehwi hurried to slam his head to the desk to avoid letting Woojin misunderstand the situation. Jinyoung heard the soft thud from Daehwi, he glance in the corner of his eyes and felt the his left end of his lips curled up.


Jinyoung murmured as Woojin was walking to them.

"Come on, let's play basketball, Lai Kuan Lin, he came back."

"Let's play later, I'm busy."

Jinyoung said not looking up sparing a glance at Woojin. Woojin seemed to be annoyed, he looked at the new student to see him resting his head.

"Yah, wake up. Bell rung long time ago."

"Woojin, just leave already. Let him sleep."

Jinyoung said expressing his stress as he leaned back against his chair to stretch.

"And stop with that expression, smile a bit yeah? Someone might fall for your charms."

"Tsk like you know anything? You're the one gay here."

"Shut up, you big mouth."

Jinyoung grabbed his text book and threw it at Woojin which exposed his secret. Jinyoung's mind was racing because he knows Daehwi wasn't asleep so he could have heard it.

"Go, go, go!"

Jinyoung got up quickly then started to push Woojin out then closed the door. After hearing the door closed, Daehwi raised his head a bit then glanced at Jinyoung. Jinyoung only made eye contact with Daehwi but only worried of what the other might see him as now.

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