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Jinyoung walked away from the door then approached his seat again while picking the textbook that he threw earlier. He sat there fixing everything then continued to finish the notes and set an example question step by step formats. Daehwi kept watching Jinyoung not knowing whether he should say something or say a secret for them both to be equal. It's not like Daehwi have the confidence to tell the person who he barely became friends with a secret he have in his life. Jinyoung couldn't help but to feel the stare that Daehwi was giving him. He sighs then stopped writing.

"Go ahead, if you want to say something about me right now then say it. I'm gay, and so what?"

Jinyoung said leaning back on his chair and glared at Daehwi. Daehwi only looked away not wanting to make eye contact with the latter.

"Nothing.. there's nothing wrong with that."

"Keep this between me and you, remember Park Jihoon?"


"Jihoon-ah, he got a crush on Woojin, but Woojin's blind for that."

"Huh? Jihoon-ssi likes Wooj-"

"Don't say it loud! Jihoon might hate you if his like rumors spread because you said it loud enough to be heard."

Daehwi nodded then pretended that he zipped his mouth shut. Jinyoung shared a small smile then returned to the notes.

"When will you be done..?"

"Before next class."

After School

Daehwi grabbed his bag and slung it around his shoulders as he hurried out of the gate. He almost completely forgotten that today was a special day. As he was about to continue running, Jinyoung grabbed his bag making him nearly fall.

"Let go!"

Daehwi shouted as he tried to run out of Jinyoung's grip. Jinyoung chuckled at the scene in front of him before pulling Daehwi towards him.

"Where are you going? Can I come along?"

"B-But .. it's kinda personal.."

"It'll be fine, I'll take you to one place and let you off."

"If that's the case.. can we go to a flower shop?"



"Okay, come on."

Jinyoung let go of Daehwi and waited for Daehwi to take the lead. And so Daehwi did, he and Jinyoung walked together and arrived at the flower shop. Daehwi hurried inside as he inspect the flowers. Jinyoung followed behind slowly taking in the scents of flowers. Daehwi found the owner and had a quick talk about the flower he was looking for before being lead to a flower book. Daehwi flipped to the certain section of the book and look for its name.

"Ah! It's a Dandelion!"

Daehwi smiled brightly as he looked at the picture of the yellow dandelions. The owner nod, happy of Daehwi's choice, she went to the back to find the flowers as Daehwi kept his eyes locked on the picture. His finger was rubbing over the picture as if he can feel them. Jinyoung came up behind and saw the owner come back.

"How much is this unnie?"

"Ah, come this way young sir."

The owner said as she lead Jinyoung to the front desk and set up everything to receive the final cost. Jinyoung nods as he dug his wallet out and handed over the money for the flowers. He picked up the banquet of dandelions and returned to Daehwi.

"Here, it's already paid. Go to wherever you need to go."

Jinyoung said as he hand over the banquet slowly, Daehwi held onto it tightly as emotions hit him. Jinyoung saw the tear being welled up in the eyes of Daehwi.

"Hey, don't think too much of this? Don't cry."

Jinyoung said quickly as he rubs the other's shoulder trying to comfort him. Daehwi nods then bowed to Jinyoung before turning away quickly and run to the cemetery where his parents were both buried.

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