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Well they arrived at school, at the last minute, Daehwi had to remove his school jacket cause of the blood but he doesn't mind it. Jinyoung's bloody hands were patched up. A lot of students that walked passed them or viewing them from afar were curious towards Jinyoung's hands and the locations of Daehwi's jacket. Entering their classrooms, Jinyoung went to his seat first and rested his head facing to the wall. He still doesn't dare to look at Daehwi or anyone with the condition he was in. Daehwi just sat in silence while watching over Jinyoung and his bandages. By then, Park Jihoon came and noticed the two as the bell rung.

"Daehwi-ah! Where's your jacket?"

Jihoon called out as he approached him, Jinyoung shift around again hiding himself more.

"I may have gotten mud on the back side of the jacket, I can't wash it off till after school."

"What happened to you?"

Jihoon then asked turning to Jinyoung, Jinyoung didn't move an inch nor respond. Jihoon picked up Jinyoung's bandaged hand led Daehwi and Jinyoung himself react. In the end, Jinyoung's and Daehwi's were touching. The teacher came in shouting, the two returned their hands as Jihoon lowered the injured hand giving the two a suspicious glares. The two looked at each other than glanced away to avoid anymore embarrassment.


Daehwi opened the door after couple classes, he walked to the rails and leaned over it as he let out a big sigh. The cold breeze came and he didn't mind it, not worrying that he'll freeze up here. He ended up climbing over and sit over the edge enjoying the view. He rather be comfortable and not worry about himself. The door behind clicked and was opened before hearing stuff dropped. Daehwi felt a singular arm wrapped around his torso and suddenly had him fall back to the ground behind.

"Yah! I wasn't going to jump!"

Daehwi shouts as he got back to his feet to look at who grabbed and made him fall. A familiar face, same uniform, the same smile he haven't seen in few weeks.


Seonho shouts as he hugged Daehwi tightly as if he just found his lost brother.

"Yah, Se-Seonho.. what.. what are you doing here?"

The two friends pull away from the hug and looked at each other, one with a grim smile and the other filled with curiosity. Seonho posed with the uniform before bursting out in laughters that made Daehwi do the same.

"I transferred here! I couldn't last in the other school without you with me."

"You know how hard it is in this school, you even said it yourself."

"But still! I wanna be with you and we can graduate together here."

Seonho exclaimed while grabbing onto Daehwi's hands and jumped in excitement. Seonho noticed the bored expression in Daehwi's face and couldn't help but to stop jumping and feel hurt.

"You don't want me here..?"

Daehwi looked at Seonho's sad expression and smiled at him.

"I'm glad you're here."

Daehwi said with the happiness in his voice which brightened Seonho's mood. The two hugged again while jumping. Jinyoung was at the door watching everything. He was meant to go here to finish some things he left on the rooftop. Seeing Daehwi and that someone else made Jinyoung feel somewhat jealous. Can't help but want to ruin it, he opened the door loud enough to make them stop and pull away from each other's embrace. Daehwi eyed Jinyoung as while Jinyoung gave him and the other student a cold glare.

"Ah, student, hello~!"

Seonho said with a warm smile to Jinyoung greeting him. Jinyoung didn't say anything and went to his spot behind the walls to dropped his things. Daehwi and Seonho looked at each other before smiling and squealing together. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and continued to finish up designing the wall he was standing in front of.

Park | After School

Jinyoung ended up being a third wheeler cause Woojin had to help Jihoon with something. He was following Daehwi and Seonho, he just figured out that student's name now because of how loud they were talking. Jinyoung sat down on the nearest bench he can find before realizing the other two throw their things at him and run off to play together.

"What am I to them?! A father?!"

Jinyoung talked to himself with anger over his face with annoyance of what he's doing. Seeing Daehwi running around with the white uniform on, and on grass, Jinyoung's sighs thinking of the situation if they lay on the ground.

"Yah! Daehwi!"

The two friends stopped running and both stared at Jinyoung. Jinyoung motioned Daehwi over and so Daehwi did slowly. Seonho got curious and followed behind wanting to know what's going to happen. Jinyoung removed his jacket as Daehwi got closer, now that Daehwi was standing in front of him. He swung the jacket around Daehwi covering the white shirt.

"Wear this so your shirt don't get dirty. We still need to stop by and wash your jacket later."

Jinyoung said as Seonho's jaw dropped shocked from the scene. Daehwi was staring at Jinyoung not even noticed that he was caught.

"Go on, continue playing. Whether that jacket gets dirty or not, we can get it cleaned with yours."

Jinyoung added then turned Daehwi around making him faced Seonho. Daehwi nodded then walked back to Seonho while fixing himself wearing the jacket the proper way.

"Yahh, Daehwi. Tell me, did you attract someone already? Is my best friend gay?!"

"Gay?! You crazy! He's just a friend that doesn't want anymore thing dirty off my body."

"Why would he be like that to you? Earlier he was cold and mean! He didn't even greet me back!"

"He was probably annoyed before? He's kinda of a short tempered person. But hey, you're it now!"

Daehwi hit Seonho then hurried off while Seonho chased him behind and shouting at the other. The two continued to run around the park chasing one and another. Jinyoung watches then decided to go to a nearby tree to hide behind and do a fun prank since he was getting bored of watching them run. Hearing the two shouting getting closer to him, he eventually stuck his foot out from behind the tree and ended up getting both of them. The two landed on the ground on top of one and another. Jinyoung smiled at the scene while the other two were groaning.

School Life Changer || JINHWIΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα