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High School

Daehwi was walking around, he was dull of course. Though it may be years since his father died, he was wandering the halls before hearing the ruckus in the dark. He looked and saw his only understanding friend being beaten by bullies. He hurried over and pushed the bullies off. Only to be beaten down like his friend in the end. The bell rung, the bullies left, Daehwi returned back to his feet as he stretched his hand out for his friend.

"Seonho-ah, come on."

"Hyung is always doing crazy things to save his only best friend."

"Heh, don't mention it. Come on, let's ditch while we can."

Because Daehwi was alone for so long, he learned to not care about education much. From being the 1st place student to a failing student within a week. He was running out doing small jobs just to make little money to live off of. He helped Seonho get over the wall as he stepped back and did a runner up. For a body he possess, it was quite amazing. As he landed on his feet, he and Seonho laughed then took off running. They ran down the streets and bumped into students who seemed to be older than them. Sucks for Daehwi, he have to bump into the guy that was holding a drink. Both of them were kinda soaked from the liquid inside of that cup.

"Hey, watch where you're running into? Someday, you might even run into a tree."

The person said jokingly as his friends laughed lightly. The person took his handkerchief out of his pocket then went to Daehwi and pat him a little bit. Daehwi had quick eyes and spotted his name tag. He then examined their uniforms to see the big difference.


Daehwi thought as he read the badge off the person's uniform.

"Come on hyungs."

The person called out then proceeded past Daehwi. Seonho helped picked Daehwi up after the group left.

"Whats wrong with you? You're usually aggressive and tough but now you're like ice cream that just melted."

"There's a school name CIXXIC?"

"C.. I.. X...?"

"X I C."

"Ah, that school? It's hard to get into I heard, only few boys get in but once you get in, you would want to get out and transfer the next day."

"So.. does that mean..?"

"Mhm, come on lets go inside while we stand out in front of a cafe!"

Seonho said excitedly then dragged Daehwi inside to order their food. Daehwi really hated having to do it because really Seonho would be the main one paying for the orders. He grabbed Seonho's wrist stopping him from handing over the money. Daehwi dug in his pockets hoping he got some money left on him. Feeling lucky, he pulled the remaining cash and gave it letting Seonho pay the other half. Seonho looked at Daehwi crazily after handing over the other half.

"Are you crazy?! You know you don't have much money and you're spending it to pay your half?"

"It's fine, I can always find a job and work to make money."

Daehwi then turned quickly and find a seat having to make Seonho follow behind.

"Say, why did you even know their school?"


"The ones you bumped into?"

"Oh.. I don't know.. I-"

"Wow, the Daehwi I know would usually push back, what happen this time?"

"It's nothing-"

"Stop lying, I can tell something was up when you bumped into that guy, say. Since you examined his uniform then you might know his name, what is it? Tell me."


Daehwi looked at the ground trying to remember and replay that whole scene in his head again.

"Bae... Jin... Young..."

Daehwi looked back up Seonho who was staring at him with concern still written all over.

"I can't remember.."


"Orders for SeonHwi."

"Wait, did you just?"


Seonho hurried up from his seat and ran to go fetch the tray from the cashier that shouted. When the tray was on the table, Daehwi was looking at Seonho like some stalker.

"When did you start calling yourself by Seonhwi huh?"

"It's not like that! You see-"

"Fine, whatever. Use the ship name all you want, don't make the rumors of me liking guys spread."

Daehwi took his ordered drink and had a sip before staring out the window again. Now noticing a park in front of them, there were basketball flying up and onto the hoops on either sides.

"Seonho-ah, would you last being in school alone? We can meet again at places like this."

"Huh? Switching schools already?"

"It's for the job I'm about to get into, besides I don't even have any transportation to go from school and work."

"If that's what you plan on doing then do it, just don't forget about me! If you suddenly change at your school, lets attend this college together!"

Seonho said excitedly shaking his drink lightly. Daehwi smiled and laughed a little about it.

Bae Jinyoung was one of the players that was playing basketball and was throwing the balls up to the hoops. He and his charismatic teammate, Park Woojin, were undefeatable. After scoring one more 3 pointers, the game was over. Jinyoung and Woojin exchanged smiles as they did their usual handshake before returning to their stuff.

"You suck at your lay ups, Jinyoung."

"Man, shut up, you barely even shoot anything."

The two laughed at each other as one picked up his bag and looked at the cafe ahead of them.

"Say, that kid behind that window, wasn't he the one that bump into you?"

"And so? We're not going to see him again anyways, he doesn't look like a senior nor does he look like he would graduate."

Jinyoung said not looking up, he finished packing couple towels then zip up his bag. He slung it over his shoulders then rest his arm around Woojin. They then proceeded out of the park returning home as they were lucky enough to get out of school early.

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