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Jinyoung looked back at Daehwi who was frozen of the cause of the scene. Jinyoung only shook his head and let out a sigh before shoving pass his mother to leave. The mother hurried to chase after her son while Daehwi was left. Not wanting to be involved of the family situation right now, Daehwi finishes his food and cleaned up quickly. Seeing Jinyoung's plate was still out, knowing how rich Jinyoung is, he looked around the room. Opening drawers, cabinets cause who knows what can be stuffed in there. Just to Daehwi's luck, he found a microwave in a cabinet. He opened it quickly then grabbed the food and put it in then closed it. Knowing how late it was getting, he grabbed his and Jinyoung's jacket to hang it somewhere to continue drying a bit. He went to the personal bathroom and refreshed himself the best he can without using any of Jinyoung's things. Even after doing that, Jinyoung haven't returned back. He decided to go out thinking the house was empty. He went to the living room looking at all of the pictures before stopping at the family picture.

"Huh? Ain't this the one that Jinyoung had ripped..."

Daehwi looked at the father figure before recognizing the face.


Daehwi leaned over a bit to get a better sight of his guessed. Everything that he remembers from those times, it matches the picture. A footstep came quietly before Daehwi and stopped after seeing him in front of him. Daehwi turned and met the father whom he missed for years.


"Father? I'm sorry but.. who are you?"

That, the turning point of Daehwi's world, Daehwi rubbed his neck.

"Sorry.. I mean you're Jinyoung's father right?"

"Yes, but he seemed to not acknowledge me as his father."

"I see.. I'll leave first."

Daehwi said excusing him then left the living room as quickly as possible not wanting to embarrass himself anymore. He returned back to the room not realizing that he was crying. He just hurried to gather all the chairs together that would be enough for him to be able to sleep on. He doesn't want to take Jinyoung's bed again, nor does he want to see Jinyoung sleep on the floor. Daehwi laid on chairs, curled up to keep his warmth, he was crying to himself softly with the painful words of who he really thought was his father. In the end, Daehwi managed to fall asleep but only was shivering from the cold. Jinyoung, he only returned after hearing what his mom had to say which meant that he got some information about his so called father.

"Surname Lee and yet he changed it to Bae, kind of nonsense, what was he thinking changing his name."

Jinyoung cursed under his breath and went back to the room. The table was cleaned, he went around looking for the food that he had left. The first thing came to mind was of course his microwave. He opened the cabinet and opened the door of the microwave.

"Wait, how did he know it was here?"

Jinyoung thought as he turned to see Daehwi sleeping on the set of chairs. Before grabbing his food out to continue eating, he closed the door of the microwave and went to his side. He can hear the heavy breathing and the pale lips. Jinyoung looked up and know why Daehwi was cold. Sleeping under the air conditioner without anything to cover himself. Jinyoung looked for the remote and turned off the air. He picked up Daehwi carefully not wanting to wake him from his slumber. Jinyoung carried Daehwi over to the bed and tucked him on the cover. Jinyoung then turned and returned to his food to finish up before cleaning himself up and head to bed.


A lot of movement went around which disturbed Daehwi's sleep. Daehwi tried to ignore it and continue but gave up soon after hearing a big ruckus. He opened his eyes slowly and had anger written all over his face.

"Yah! Someone's sleeping and you're making all of this noise!"

"I have a question, about you and my mom's husband."

Jinyoung said stopping whatever he was doing then brung a chair up to the bed next to Daehwi.

"That day, what was the first words through the phone call.?"

"What phone calls?"

"Listen, uhm. Is the resident of Mr. Lee?"

Daehwi remembered those words, the day he was told by a nurse of his father's death.

"What about those huh? It's not like you're going to know anything about me."

"But I do? I was older than you, I happened to remember and can't help but to grow suspicious of the surnames. You see, my mom's lover never told me anything about himself, let alone let him take over my original father's place."

"What would he have to do with me? Ain't you and his surnames Bae?"

"Yes, last night, before you can question how you're in bed, mom told me some information about him in exchange of bringing me back here like a good boy I am to her."

Daehwi looked at Jinyoung weirdly before actually getting to the question that Jinyoung mentioned earlier.

"How did I end up here? Did you carry me over here?"

"No, why would I? I came in and you were already in bed."

"No, I was on the chairs sleeping."

"What I saw is what I saw. No one picked you up."

Jinyoung lied as Daehwi can only still wonder and keep thinking Jinyoung's lying as always.

"Here borrow these clothes. I'm not taking you and your friend out to eat if you just wear that damn uniform for days straight."

Jinyoung got up after throwing Daehwi the clothes, Daehwi act as if he was going to hit Jinyoung. Daehwi took the clothes and went in to the personal restroom to change there where there is at least some good privacy. Daehwi took his time refreshing himself during the time being and fold his clothes before going out to not expecting to see what he had already seen.

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