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Daehwi was being shaken, he woke up slowly as the dark skies greeted him first. He was too tired, when he saw a face appeared, he fell back to sleep.

"Daehwi-ah, time to go home. This place is about to close up their gate for the night."

"Mm, just leave me here.."

Daehwi said as he turned to his side, Jinyoung sighs as he got no choice. He grabbed Daehwi and carried him like a baby. Though Daehwi was making noises complaining of the movement, he returned back to sleep. Jinyoung rolled his eyes as he walked out with Daehwi's in his arms.



Daehwi replied in his sleep, Jinyoung hate that he need to talk to someone who wants to sleep.

"Can I.. know where you live..?"

"That.. park.. umbrella.."

Jinyoung of course was shock to hear a park was someone's home. He stopped walking than glance at Daehwi's side profile.

"You.. don't have a house, apartment, or any shelter..?"

No response, only soft snores were heard from Daehwi afterwards. Jinyoung only sighs, he doesn't want to leave Daehwi out so another idea came into mind.

Jinyoung's Home | Morning

Daehwi wakes up feeling emptied handed, his cheeks were covered of dried tears. He sat up then was blinded by the light from the sun. The curtains just happened to be opened up to show light.

"Oh! You had woke up!"

The mother said as Daehwi covered his eyes to see the mother that was talking to him. He was confused, he doesn't remember being in a room with a mother.

"Ma, can you whisper? Goodness, why are you so loud in the morning..?"

Jinyoung complained as he got up from the ground behind Daehwi. The mother traveled to the other side of the bed and hated that Jinyoung decision of sleeping on the floor.

"Who told you to sleep on the floor?? Weren't you uncomfortable?"

And here was Daehwi, sitting in the middle of it while examining his surrounding.

"Uhm.. excuse me..?"

And the two stopped arguing and looked at Daehwi who seemed to regret butting in. Jinyoung can still feel his hair messed up, after seeing Daehwi there, he hurried and ducked back to the ground. Jinyoung's mom was surprised at Jinyoung's action and tried to pull him back up even slapping his arm a bit to get him up.

"He's usually not like this.. hehe.."

His mom said sharing an embarrassed smile to Daehwi. The mom eventually gave up and let Jinyoung stay on the ground then fixed herself before turning to Daehwi.

"Where are we..?"

Daehwi asked finally not wanting to wait any longer. The mom smiled brightly as she got her answer.

"Jinyoung's home, honey. He bought you in last night and took you here."


"If you need anything, I'll be downstairs, and plus Jinyoung can cook you breakfast."


Jinyoung got back up quickly after hearing that, his hair was less messier than it was before.

"No buts, since you bought him in secretly and not let any of us know till we came to check the room ourself earlier."

"Oh come on, you guys wouldn't allow me to keep a guy in my bedroom!"

"Well maybe if you explain then this wouldn't be a problem!"

The two continued to argue as Daehwi decided it was the time to get out and not witness anymore of the hate between mother and son. Exiting the room the best he can, he managed to head downstairs and was met with a father figure.

"Oh? Good morning, you must be BaeJin's friend he brung right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Feel like your at home, settle down in the kitchen as I cook breakfast okay?"

"B-But... Jinyoung's mother said-"

"Him to cook because he bought you here without telling us? Don't take her seriously."

Daehwi was at a confusion, he doesn't know if he should believe the father or mother. The argument grew louder and footsteps came down the steps. Jinyoung stopped as he reached the ground level holding off as much anger he can hold.

"What else do you want me to do? I can't live with this family that you ruin!"

He shouted not caring if he caught everyone's attention. Daehwi turned back then remembered the torn picture. As he approached Jinyoung, Jinyoung turned away quickly heading to the front door.

"Ah! Jinyoung!"

Daehwi calls out as he hurried behind not glancing back at the parents. Jinyoung ran for as much as he can as tears were dropping. Having an argument over small things first thing in the morning was the worst to happen. Memories of the last day he met his real father and the moment he see his father's body's corpse from the accident still haunts him. Even though the father was dead, Jinyoung still hoped his father may still be alive somewhere. Because of his mother, her remarrying and had them move out of their old house where it kept all of the memories Jinyoung want to remember. Jinyoung finally fell to the concrete ground as he hold back his sobs the best he can. He released his anger out by hitting the concrete below with his hands not caring if it hurts or bleeding out.

"My life is ruined.. why can't I have the family I wished for..everything I wanted... is gone from me.."

Jinyoung mumbled as Daehwi slowly stopped a few feet away from Jinyoung. Daehwi felt hurt as if he was at his age losing his father. He gathered his courage and approached Jinyoung. The closer he gets, the more he can hear the other's cries. He stepped in front of Jinyoung, Jinyoung slowly stopped as he stabilized his breathing.

"What do you want..?"

"We both live a similar life."

Jinyoung looked up at Daehwi to feel different from Daehwi's words.

"I understand why you were sensitive over the pictures.. I'm sorry for looking through them. It's stressful and difficult to move on, I understand. Life is never pretty every moment. We worked through it, we live through it. Its the only way to make our lives pretty."

Daehwi knelt as he opened his arms, Jinyoung felt tears rolled as he unconsciously rushed to Daehwi's embrace. The only person to see his life struggles, his  bloody hands wrapped around Daehwi not caring whether or not it'll make a mess on Daehwi's clothes.

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