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Jinyoung glared at Daehwi who still wasn't looking at them, didn't seemed to bother try to look.

"Daehwi, answer. What were you two doing?"

The father asked while Daehwi only remained silent, the father let out a scoff before shoving passed Jinyoung to get to Daehwi. Jinyoung grabbed his step father's shoulder and held him.

"And if he doesn't answer then I will, we're dating and so what? What would you say to both your sons?"

Jinyoung said lying about the dating part which could possibly be for now. Daehwi got confused when he heard the word 'dating' come out of Jinyoung's mouth. He looked up at Jinyoung before meeting eyes with his father.

"This boy is telling me that you're lying. Who can I believe? Seeing both of my sons on each other against the wall, what can I not expect? It's either you or him asking for that crap. Then tell me the truth of what was happening, full story."

"No, you don't deserve the story. Not from a son you abandoned, and definitely not from a son who you barely communicate with."

Jinyoung let go before walking to Daehwi and grabbing him by the wrist. Daehwi was now being dragged out leaving the father behind in the room. Jinyoung ended up having to shove passed his mother too, lightly saying sorry which can't be heard by anyone. Marching away from home, Jinyoung finally let go of Daehwi's wrist but instead throw him in front.

"Go, it's best you find somewhere else to stay."

"What? You're just going to throw me out?"

"What's the point of staying in the same house with the father that purposely abandoned you and forgets you? Don't you think I never heard the first conversation you two had? I don't want to see you feeling hurt or anything because of him when I'm with you."

Jinyoung said as he handed Daehwi his transportation card.

"Take this and go somewhere far. Take this too, this can help you live on your life."

Jinyoung took out his wallet and showed the credit card. As he placed the two cards in Daehwi's hand, Jinyoung shared a smile. Daehwi only looked at him before pushing the given cards back.

"No, I can't take this! You know how I lived before! I can survive well off leftovers and sleeping under benches!"

"You know, you living like that hurts not only you."

"What do you mean?! It's not like you cared in the first place!"

Jinyoung grabbed Daehwi's shoulder harshly and shook him lightly. Jinyoung pushed the cards back against to Daehwi's chest before looking straight in the eye.

"I do care, it's because I loved you."

Jinyoung confesses as he let go, a taxi was coming, he hurried waved it over. Before Daehwi can respond, the taxi door opened and he thrown in.

"Driver, please take him somewhere far."

Jinyoung instructed as he gave the payment in advance. Daehwi was trying to get out of the car but Jinyoung only held him down before having to put the safety belt on to detain him for a short bit.

"Daehwi, I'll find you. We'll meet later, I promise."

Jinyoung lastly said before backing out quickly and shutting the door on Daehwi. Daehwi doesn't know why he is feeling hurt. He unbuckled his safety belt and hurried to the driver's window to only see Jinyoung far away. Thinking about it, Daehwi only was just recovering from the incident upon him and Jinyoung dating during school. Now, he was being thrown away because of his so called father found out. He only slumped back against the backseats and cried silently only leaving the driver worried.

"Passenger? Are you okay? Here, clean yourself."

The driver dug out a tissue and handed back to Daehwi while still focusing on the road. Daehwi took the tissue and cried out while burying his face. He couldn't feel the assurance nor comfort that is needed. He's heading somewhere he doesn't even know. Not even Seonho, his only friend, would know. Everything around him was disappearing slowly, a new life was waiting for him, yet he doesn't want it. After calming down, he stared at the window for a bit before looking at the driver sadly.

"You can stop here, we've gone.. far enough.."

And the driver listened, he pulled over allowing Daehwi to get out. Daehwi bid a thank you and goodbye before shutting the doors and waving it off. Daehwi sighs as he looked at his surroundings, unfamiliar with everything as he expected. It was really a new life to start. He held onto the cards tightly as he walked the streets finding out ways to begin. Jinyoung, he returned back home, ignoring his parents as always. He grabbed a bag and packed as much things he can.

"Idiot, how can you send him off like that?"

Jinyoung spoke to himself having that anger in his tone.

"Aish! I need to take care of everything that I lent him."

Jinyoung complained further more realizing he's only making his life harder by giving away the things that can help him. He shrugged it off not caring about the consequences before holding the packed bag and exit the house without any goodbyes. Unlike Daehwi's travel, Jinyoung walked on foot heading to wherever his feet lead him. He didn't bother messaging his friends nor Seonho about the situation, it's best that he and Daehwi quit that school. Jinyoung entered a cafe in hopes of applying and managing the job that can help live his life than being on the streets asking for money. As for Daehwi, he rested in a hotel room unable to sleep.

"Why can't I live a normal life..? Why can't I have a love life that doesn't have problems? Is it because I got caught kissing a same gender?"

Daehwi asked himself as he stared at the blank ceiling hopes of finding answers to his questions. He turned and turned trying to find comfort, but nothing. He sat up and climbed out of bed and went to the window to stare out the night sky.

"How is he doing now? After giving me everything that have his money.."

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