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Being grabbed like that, Daehwi turned quickly and punched the owner's face. Daehwi never forgotten his old self who would always get into fights. Though he was weak, he sure does put on quite a show. After that punch, he shook his hand a bit relieving the pain.

"Its been too long since I last punch a person that touched me."

"You little brat!"

The one, that got punched, shouted which his friends took that as a cue and grabbed onto Daehwi tightly. It was quite unfair, multiple strong guys fighting a solo weak boy. Daehwi doesn't mind that, he at least get to punch someone unlike the other days when he was tempted too. He and the guy that he punched were staring at each other with angered in their eyes.

"You will regret that you know? You surely will!"

"Go ahead hit me, I'm satisfied enough because of that mark on your face."

Daehwi responded ending it with a smirk before getting punched and kicked. He heard the water run then started to panic a little. He tried to fight off the guys holding him but he was thrown towards the other and punched down to the ground. He was caught off guard from that, he got up slowly before being grabbed from the back of his uniform.

"You regret it now don't you? Tsk, such an idiot, never fool with me and especially don't imitate me."

He said with the anger in his tone, he dragged Daehwi back up to the sink that is filled with water. Before Daehwi was pushed down against the water, he landed his hands on the surface fighting back. He felt one of his hands grabbed and pulled off the surface, his body landed against it hard as his face fully went in the water. Daehwi hold his breath the best he can while trying to fight to bring his hands back to pull himself up.

"Where are you when I needed you.."

Daehwi thought as he suddenly choked, he can feel himself moving around from the lack of oxygen before being pulled back up. He only got a quick breather before being pushed back down against the water. He can hear faint laughters from the guys that making him suffer. He couldn't feel much of his strength, this was as far as he can go, he can't go passed his limit in surviving this. He pulled back up and stayed like that as the student laid his head on Daehwi's shoulder.

"Look at you, always looking strong but you look so pitiful. Disgusting."

He said before turning Daehwi to face him and punched Daehwi in the jaw. Daehwi fell against the surface before impacting the ground next tired of everything. Laughters and chatters continued, Daehwi laid there growing unconscious as the noises faded. The bell rung, Jinyoung was heading to class when he walked passed a group of students that were laughing. He went inside to see everyone else but not Daehwi. Jinyoung looked back out in case Daehwi was running late but as soon as he saw the teacher come, he sighs then went in to take his seat. Class started, still no signs of Daehwi, Jinyoung ended up laying his head on the desk. Jihoon glance back at Jinyoung feeling worried. Though the two stopped hanging out since, Jinyoung would talk about Daehwi when he got the chance. Movements were happening outside of the classroom, Jihoon seemed to be only person bothered by it. He raised his hands and excused himself to the restroom just so he can figure out what's happening out in the halls. He checked both sides and see nothing then went off to the restroom to play off his act. As he stepped inside, he was surprised by a filled up sink and the mess the restroom was in. He spotted a familiar bag and looked around making sure anyone here might've left it. All the stalls were empty, he picked it up and looked inside to figure out who it belong to.

"Eh? Ain't this.."

Jihoon grabbed the folded picture and there he saw it, another picture between Daehwi and Jinyoung on the rooftop.

"So he was suffering too."

He crumbled the picture and zipped up his bag. He hurried back to class. When he arrived, the teacher was out doing errands again he assumed. He went to Jinyoung and shook him awake.


"This is Daehwi's things."

"Where did you get that? Why do you have it?"

"I found it in the restroom, he still haven't been seen yet."

Jinyoung grabbed the bag and felt a wet spot on the side.

"Aish, why is it wet here?"

"The sink was full of water and it was a complete mess when I went to the restroom."

Jinyoung placed Daehwi's bag on his seat then stood to go to the restroom. To see if what Jihoon said was true, then he can figure out what happened. He went in the restroom and saw the scene that he had exactly imagined. What Jihoon had told him was true, the stalls were clean unlike the sink area.

"They only fought up here? That's a change."

Jinyoung talked to himself as he looked at the sink that completely surrounded and filled with water. Getting small scenes of what might've happened, Jinyoung hurried back to Jihoon and dragged him out of the classroom.

"Help me with this one favor.. if I can find Daehwi, there's a chance that I'll be followed and filmed. If I took off in a search, you have to wait till you see a student following behind me."

"You sure that would work? Whether that person get more things about you two, he seemed to only be targeting Daehwi now and trying to make him feel worse."

Jihoon took out the crumbled picture and shared it with Jinyoung. Jinyoung examined the picture before tearing it and throwing it to the ground.

"Follow what I say okay? Right now, I can care less if I get caught and exposed. I'm only focused on finding Daehwi and figuring out his conditions."

School Life Changer || JINHWIUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum