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Jinyoung was preparing to leave, as he made his way to the front door, he met his mother. He smiled at her, before she can say anything he went on.

"I'll be going ma, bye bye."

He said then left the house then run off to the same spot where he will meet Woojin. They walked off together to school. As they were arriving the gate, Woojin pulled Jinyoung back and pointed at the new kid.

"L-Look! Its him!"

"And why are you stuttering? Do you like him or something?"

"What? N-No!"

Jinyoung rolled his eyes as he pulled out his mask and wore it leaving Woojin and enter the campus. Jinyoung became the school's attraction because of that one day he decided to wear the headband that caught the girl's eyes. Now he hated the attention he's having, without even trying to be the public's figure, he got at least one or two students taking pictures of him like a fansite for idols. He checked his surroundings before going up the stairs quickly and quietly as much as possible. He took off on the 3rd floor and found his classroom. There, the new student was sitting in his seat. He rolled his eyes and lowered his mask as he entered as there was no other students inside.

"Hey, this is my seat. The one next to it is open, go there."

Jinyoung called out as he got to his seat, the other nodded then hurried to the other seat. Feeling lazy today, Jinyoung gave the new student his workbook.

"Take the notes when class is starting."


"You have a problem?"

"Yes, in matter of fact, I do."

Jinyoung then glared at the other examining everything about him.

"Lee Daehwi huh?"

Jinyoung mumbled as he read out the other's nametag. He shared a smile then slammed his hand on the workbook.

"Whether you like it or not, you're doing it. I don't care but if you don't do it-"

"Bae Jinyoung!!"

And here, Jinyoung turned away from Daehwi then glance out the window as another student came in excited for Jinyoung's presence. Daehwi gave Jinyoung the disgusted look then throw his workbook back on his desk. The person who called Jinyoung out was quite surprised at the presence of the new student.

"Ah! You must be the new student! Welcome to CIXXIC!"

The person welcomes as Daehwi shared a smile and they exchanged handshakes.

"I'm Park Jihoon. The class president."

"Nice to meet you Jihoon-ssi, the name is Lee Daehwi."


Jinyoung said interrupting the two's interaction, Daehwi gave Jinyoung the disgusted look as Jihoon tried to smile it off.

"Don't mind him. He usually isn't like this, once you know him more, he is one of the sweetest guys in this school alongside Park-"

"Jihoon, you sure don't know how to keep that mouth shut. Don't you think you're talking too much?"

"Am I? Sorry Jinyoungie~"

Jihoon said cutely as Jinyoung grabbed his workbook acting like he would hit Jihoon. Jihoon hurried away laughing as Jinyoung shared a small smile which Daehwi barely caught.

"You surely can't get me ha!"

"Don't try me Jihoon-ah."

With that, the two ran out playing that game. Daehwi only shook his head at that scene before looking over at the empty desk next to him.

"He did look familiar.."

And so Daehwi did his best remembering then a lightbulb flashed.

"Ah! He was that guy from yesterday!"

Daehwi exclaimed, the bell rung and the other two returned back to the class with other students. Chatters were still going till the teacher arrives. Nothing was exchanged, as if Daehwi was never a new student. The teacher hurried and grab the chalk then started to write on it quickly as Jinyoung quickly followed after. Daehwi of course was staring out, once he blinks, he look at the blackboard that was now covered with letters and numbers. He looked around him to see the students struggling to keep up. He glanced at Jinyoung then the teacher suddenly slammed the chalk down giving him a little fright. Quite odd that the teacher was in a rush, the teacher rushed out of the class after writing all the needed notes. And so that was when Jinyoung was finished too.

"J-Jinyoung-ssi...? Ca-Can I borrow.. your notes..?"

"Can't you read? It's all on the board."

"My.. eyes aren't that good..."


"Can't afford..."

Jinyoung was ticked off a bit, he looked out the window before looking back at Daehwi nodding a little. He took his notes then handed it to Daehwi. Daehwi mumbled a soft thank you as he took the notes and hurried to writing. Jinyoung stretched then leaned against his desk and slowly fell off to sleep. Daehwi kept on writing and couldn't help but to steal glares at Jinyoung here and there.

"How can a student like you do everything and just relax afterwards...?"

Daehwi thought as he was half way completed with his notes. Jinyoung woke up little after then left the class to fetch something to drink. The bell rung after his walk out, the students packed up then proceeded out as Daehwi sat there finishing the remaining notes. Dropping the pencil finally, Daehwi closed both notebooks, he grabbed Jinyoung's then stood leaving his things on the desk. As for Jinyoung, he met up with couple friends before walking back up the stairs to his classroom floor. He was drinking his juice minding his own business to grab the other things he needed before next class begins. As if it was the worst time, Jinyoung turned the corner of the door and was met with Daehwi who was hurrying out. The two collided, the juice spilled over Jinyoung's uniform and some over Daehwi's hair. Jinyoung stepped back after feeling the cold liquid hit his chest. He examined the situation currently before growing furious.

"Yah! I understand you can't see from a far but can't you not see me coming in?!"

Jinyoung shouts as Daehwi only kept his head down.

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