Part 6

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"Different" -Part 6

I had a shower and I lay on my bed.

Loren came inside, smiling.

Loren: I came back.

I didn't talk.

Loren: What's wrong, sis?

Me: I wanna be alone.

She sat next to me.

Loren: I saw what Madison posted on Instagram.

My eyes were wet.

Me: I don't care. And please. Leave me alone.

She stood up.

Loren: I'm here for you if you wanna talk about this.

I didn't say anything.
She got out of the room.

Some minutes later, Martinus came inside and he sat next to me.

Martinus: You told me that your best friend called you bitch. Not that she also posted it ON INSTAGRAM.

Me: There is no difference.

He sighed.

Martinus: This is called cyberbullying, you know. And I won't let them do this.

Me: You don't have to do anything.

Martinus: I'm supposed to take care of the baby AND you too.

Me: It's okay.

He was kinda angry but sad too.

Martinus: I wanna apologize. I'm sorry for calling you bitch.

Me: You didn't.

Martinus: Yeah... I kinda did.

Me: It's fine telling what you think.

Martinus: That's the point. Don't get me wrong. You're an amazing girl.

Me: This is not what others think.

Martinus: Don't care about others.

I smiled.

Me: Martinus?

Martinus: Yeah.

Me: I had an idea. I think I found a way to apologize to my best friend. And everyone.

Martinus: Tell me.

Me: I was thinking about... throwing a party.

Martinus: Where?

Me: In this house.

Martinus: Oh Y/N I don't know. Your parents-

Me: No. It's better not to tell my parents about this.

Martinus: You know this is impossible.

Me: Please Martinus! No alcohol, no kids in rooms and you can be here too. And of course you'll pay extra.

Martinus: We should tell your parents.

Me: Okay okay. I'll tell them.

He didn't talk.

Me: So... you're in?

He nodded.


I hugged him tightly.

Martinus: But remember. No alcohol and no sex.

I nodded, laughing.

Martinus: I'll be with you too.

Me: Alright. It's a deal.
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