Part 29

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"Different" -Part 29

It's night.

Martinus is in my room, wearing his suit.

He looks so beautiful.

Martinus: Your parents are waiting. Get dressed.

I sat next to him on the bed.

Me: Are you a little bit mad?

Martinus: No.

Me: Maybe a little bit?

He looked at me.

Martinus: I want this to end. I wanna have a normal relationship.

Me: You'll get it. Okay?

Martinus: Babe I'm not kidding. This is your LAST chance. No more chances. Alright?

I started being nervous.

Me: I want you to be with me.

Martinus: YOU are the one at fault here! How can you be so selfish?

My eyes got wet.

Me: Of course I'm not selfish, Martinus. I love you. I truly love you. And I'm sorry for not telling my parents.

He sighed.

Martinus: Stand up and get dressed. We'll be late.

I kissed his lips.

Me: I love you.

He didn't answer back.

He kissed my lips some seconds later.

Martinus: I love you too.

I smiled and I stood up.

Me: You won't regret it.

Martinus: Hope I won't.
We arrived in a hotel where the event was going to take place.

I was holding Martinus' hand.

My parents noticed that and they were kinda confused.
But this was a part of my plan.

Everything was going to be perfect.
Almost everything.

Man: Hello.

My parents started talking with a man outside the hotel.

Man: This is your daughter?

I smiled.

Me: I'm Y/N.

Man: Oh nice to meet you, Y/N! I'm so glad you came.

He smirked.

Man: You're gonna have so much fun. Come inside.

We went inside the hotel all together.

It was very luxurious.
Perfect decorated, everything was clean...
Then, we went to another part of the hotel.
Even though it was full of people, it was so silent. Wealthy people were chatting with each other, no loud music and nasty food.

I looked at Martinus.

Me: We're gonna have so much fun.

He smirked.

Martinus: Let's take some food and get out of here.

I laughed so loud that some people looked at me.

My parents were kinda... confused again.

Me: I'm sorry.

Man: Doesn't matter. You're a kid. Like my son. He's some years older than you. Do you wanna get to know him?

Me: Nah I'm-

Dad: Of course she does.
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