Part 55

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"Different" -Part 55

I stood up.

Me: Leo... I said I'm still hurting.

Leo: You'll get hurt even more if you give him a second chance.

I went in the bathroom and I started getting dressed.

What if Leo is actually right?

Why do people give each other second chances?

Because they're silly?

They know that they'll get hurt in the end.

And what if that was the end?
I mean... what if a break-up means the end of a relationship for good?

Nothing would be the same after this.

You'll get used to hurting just because you can't live without him.

You're getting crazy alone.
Without that one.
That guy.

You're 24/7 surrounded by million of guys and you still want that one.

You wanna give him a second chance. So you want him to hurt you again.

But this time I'll do the right thing.

I'll call Martinus tomorrow.

And I'll tell him the ugly truth.

That the day we broke up was the end.

HE chose this kind of end.

And now we both gotta live with it.

I haven't moved on yet.

But I will soon.

With good friends and family.

Without him.

Leo: Y/N?

I opened the door.

I was ready.

Leo: You look great.

Me: Thank you. You too.

Leo: We can go now. If you're ready.

Me: I am. Are YOU ready?

Leo: Actually no.

Me: That means-

Leo: No I am. I have nothing to do with your ex boyfriend. I shouldn't have told you what to do.

Me: No. You made me think about it.

He nodded.

Leo: What's his name?

I took a deep breath.

Me: No need to know.

Leo: Already alright. Whatever.

Me: It's okay. Anyway. Let's go.

He nodded.
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