Part 38

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"Different" -Part 38

We continued talking and talking.

I wasn't very focused on her words.

A small part of me was having a flashback.

So many memories.

So many moments with one person.

I'm just wondering why he was that special for me.

I thought it was just a normal relationship. A normal breakup.

But eventually, I realized how important was that part in my life.

Two brown eyes.
A smile.
And a big heart. Which wasn't that big in the end.

He broke mine.

But that made me stronger.

It made me realize that nothing lasts forever.

Nothing is true in this world.
Nothing is permanent in this planet.
No one stays till the end.

Everyone is going to hurt you.
Everyone is going to leave you.

So you gotta learn how to be strong without anyone's help.

And that's what I did.

This person is and will always be my past.
A memory.

I know I've totally get over him.

He can't affect me anymore.

I'm okay.

Right now I'm okay.

Me: So... You've been always wanted to be a photographer, huh?

Madison: Haha yes you didn't know?

Me: Actually, I didn't have a clue.

We smirked.

Madison: I'm practicing outside the college too. We're taking photos of some celebrities.

Me: Cool. Tough life, huh?

Madison: Well, yeah. But I have so many kind people around me and I'm not afraid.

Me: Oh really? Lucky you.

She smiled.

Me: Are you still with Peter?

Madison: No no no we broke up like a long time ago.

She started being nervous again and I didn't even know why.

Me: So... did you find someone new?

Madison: Nah. Tell me. How's your life between you and Leo?

Me: He's just perfect. We don't argue a lot, we have so much fun together, he makes me laugh.

Madison: Do you love him?

Me: He's my other half. He helped me with everything. I owe him.

Madison: I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad that you said you truly love someone.

I was kinda confused.

Me: You seem kinda relieved.

Madison: Yes because I believe that it was my fault that you've been crying for Martinus.

I smiled.

Me: Let's not talk about that person ever again. Okay?

She nodded.

Madison: You did the right thing.

I know.
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Something Different -M&M Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant