Part 41

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"Different" -Part 41

I was absolutely shocked.

Me: I don't fucking believe it. So easy, Leo?

Leo: So easy what? Alright Y/N I know it sounds weird. But me and that girl are going to WORK together. I can't just let her take photos of me while my girlfriend is mad at me. Please trust me.

Me: Um Leo can you even realize what you're saying?

Leo: This is my job.

Me: Driving someone home isn't a part of your job, Leo. If you don't want your girlfriend to be mad, THAT girl will be just a photographer in your studio. No hangouts, no text messages, no calls.

Leo: Oh from now you'll be watching my text messages?

Me: If you want your girlfriend to stay your girlfriend, tell that girl to watch out.

Leo: You don't trust me?

Me: If you're 24/7 outside, working in a place surrounded with girls then no. I don't.

Leo: Thank you very much.

He was kinda hurt.

He took off his pants and he lay on the bed.

I lay next to him.

Me: You're a man. You can't control this.

Leo: I'm a man who's in love with a overprotective girl. It's different.

Me: Maybe it is. But watch out.

He smirked.

Leo: I'm just wondering... have you ever said that to your ex-boyfriends?

Me: Your my second boyfriend. I only had one in my life.

Leo: Whatever. Have you ever told him not to be together with girls?

I smiled a little bit, remembering him smiling...
But I stopped immediately.

Me: He was something different.

Leo: So you used to let him have fun with girls, huh?

I closed my eyes, trying to forget his face and then I opened them again.

Me: I used to trust him.

Leo: Oh alright and now you don't trust me. So why did you break up with him?

Me: I didn't. He did.

Leo: And why did you let him break up with you, then?

I smiled.

Me: Because I trusted him.

I turned around and I closed the lights.

My eyes were wet.

I just realized how broken my heart is.

I was smiling.

I was grateful. Even though it wasn't the ideal end.

I truly loved him.
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