Part 35

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"Different" -Part 35

The loud noises from the cars outside woke me up.

It was 8:00 in the morning.

Me: Babe are you awake?

He didn't react.
He was still sleeping.

I stood up and I opened the window.

So much traffic outside.

Everyone is going to work.
Kids are going to school.

I miss school.

College is different.

There are no kids here.
There are adults.
They're not that happy and positive.
Stress is everywhere.

You need to study all the time.

I wish I could go back to high school.


I'll be late again.
I started getting dressed.

It's so cold here. It's going to rain for sure.

Leo: Y/N?

Me: Morning.

I went closer to him and I kissed his lips.

His beautiful smile appeared on his face.

Leo: Good morning love. Are you leaving?

Me: Yes. Unfortunately.

Leo: It's October, babe. We came here in Oxford like 2 months ago. You got bored so fast?

Me: I got bored of everything.

Leo: And me as well?

I smiled and kissed him.

Me: Never.

He kissed me again.

Leo: You don't wanna stay here a little bit more?

Me: I do babe.

Leo: Then stay.

He kissed me.

Me: Not going to college and stay here with my boyfriend and cuddle?

I kissed him again.

Leo: Not just cuddle.

I smirked and I stood up.

Me: Come on, Leo.

He laughed.

Me: We'll talk later.

Leo: I'll have some photo shooting. I'll be late.

Me: Like?

Leo: After midnight, probably.

I sighed.

Me: Come on. Why so late again?

Leo: This is my job, babe. I can't do anything for this.

Me: We have 5 months anniversary next week. Find some time please. I barely see you. I'm so anxious about studies and-

I took a deep breath.

Leo: I'll make time. I promise.

Me: Hope so.

I went in the bathroom, getting ready to leave.

I kinda like this routine, at heart.

This is my life right now.

College and Leo.

This is everything I have.
And I don't wanna lose it.
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