Part 23

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"Different" -Part 23

Martinus smiled too.

She's my best friend.
I shouldn't have been jealous.
But I was.

Madison: Y/N is lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend.

Martinus: Um thank you.

He looked at me.

Martinus: You told her?

Madison: Don't worry Martinus. I figured it out.

Me: Anyway.

Martinus: Can we talk Y/N?

Me: Yeap let's go.

Madison: See you, Martinus.

She smiled again.

Martinus was kinda confused.

Martinus: okay... bye.

I grabbed his hand and we went far away from her.

Martinus: Madison is such a cute girl.

Me: Oh pity because you're not gonna talk to her ever again.

He smirked.

Martinus: Excuse me? Why?

Me: She was just flirting with you, Martinus! When she saw you from first time she was like WHO'S THAT SEXY MAN!

He smiled.

Martinus: She's your best friend.

Me: So what?

Martinus: Come on.

Me: I'm not jealous. Huff can we just go to dance?

Martinus: Yes princess.

I laughed.

Madison: Heyy guys!

I turned around and I saw Madison with her boyfriend.

Madison: Let's go to dance!

They started walking.

Martinus: Let's go jealous babe.

Me: hate you.

He kissed my cheek.

Martinus: You need to wait. Next year we'll be together all day and all night long.

I smiled and he kissed my cheek again, hugging me.

Me: Martinus?

Martinus: Yeah?

Me: I forgot to tell you something.

Martinus: What is it?

Me: Something came up and my parents are coming back next week. But they want you to stay because they won't have much time.

Martinus: Oh. Um... cool.

Me: No it's not cool! We're gonna be all together in one house!

Martinus: So what?

Me: Yeah we'll be in the same house, having a secret relationship and my parents won't have a clue about us. Yes you're right that's so cool.

He sighed.
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