Part 36

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"Different" -Part 36

I got out of the house.

Fuck I forgot my umbrella.

Suddenly I saw the bus I'm used to taking every morning coming to the station some meters away from my house.


I started running as a result getting wet as fuck.

Fortunately, I arrived in time.

My makeup was fucked up.

I tried to fix it but the worst part was my clothes.


About half an hour later, I got off the bus. There was so much traffic.

I'm late again.

I started running but I accidentally fell down on the wet ground.

My clothes were full of water and mud.

I wanted to start crying.

I had hurt my leg.

I started swearing while I was still down there.

Someone: Are you alright?

I felt to arms trying to help me to stand up.

My leg was in pain.

But I finally stood up.

Me: Thank y-

I was surprised.

I forgot the pain in my leg.

Me: What... what are you doing here, Madison?

It was Madison.

My best friend.

We haven't talked for about 5-6 months.

Madison: Oh my-.. Y/N? Is that you?

She was kinda shy and nervous but I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back quickly.

I don't understand. She used to avoid me and now what?

We're fine again?

Madison: You study in Oxford?

Me: Yeah... And you, huh?

It continued raining.

Madison: Let's go somewhere warmer and then talk.

I nodded.

We went to a cafeteria.

We sat down, ordering a coffee.

Me: So... how's your life?

Madison: Nothing special. I work, I study and I live here.

Me: Oxford?

Madison: Yeah. Many students from our school came here.

Me: Really, huh? I was so obsessed with my life and I didn't ask anyone.

Madison: It's kinda stressful, isn't it?

Me: Yeah... Anyway. Where do you live?

Madison: In a small apartment. It's about 15 minutes away.

Me: Cool.

Madison: What about you?

Me: I live with my boyfriend in his house.

She smiled.

Madison: Great... I'm glad you're happy with him.

Me: Of course I am.

Madison: Sorry for avoiding you lately. I had so many thing in my head.

Me: Madi, it was difficult for me too. I wanted you to be with me.

Madison: I'm sorry.
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