Part 8

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"Different" -Part 8

Many kids came here.

Martinus is giving them something to drink.

I was smiling all the time.

I saw Madison, coming closer to me.

Madison: A party, huh?

Me: Yeah. Are you having fun?

Madison: Why did you do this?

Me: I just wanted to apologize for my behavior.

Madison: No Y/N. You did this because you wanna show off your big, luxurious, house.

Me: Just because I'm rich doesn't mean that we can't be friends.

Madison: I know, Y/N. But the problem here is that you're selfish.

Me: Excuse me? I'm not selfish! I'm just wealthier than you.

She throw me her plastic cup of orange juice she was holding.

I didn't talk.

Martinus came close fast.

Martinus: What happened?

Me: Madison leave right now.

He looked at Madison.

Martinus: Are you Madison?

She was confused.
She nodded.

Martinus: Don't you dare hurt Y/N again.

Madison: And you are?

Martinus: This is not your business.

Me: Madison leave. Please.

She looked at Martinus for last time, disgusted, and then she left.

I grabbed Martinus' arm and we went upstairs in my bedroom.

I locked the door.

Me: Are you fucking crazy?

He came one step closer.

Martinus: This girl is making fun of you and now she threw some fucking juice on your dress?

Me: I deserved that.

Martinus: No you didn't. And I don't actually care if you did. That was such an immature reaction.

Me: I'm fine.

I looked at the floor and some tears fell down on my cheeks.

He hugged me tightly.

Martinus: Don't worry.

I started crying.

Me: I look like shit right now.

Martinus: I'll find another dress for you, princess.

He laughed and I smiled.

He looked at me and, wiping my tears, he smiled too.

Martinus: We should hurry up, huh? We don't wanna miss the party.

Me: Thank you.

He went in front of my closet.
I was next to him.

Me: Okay well-

I grabbed a black dress.

Me: This will be okay, I think.

Martinus: Everything looks good on you.

Me: Stop trying to make me smile.

He started going to the door, ready to leave while he was smiling.

Martinus: I'm not trying to do anything.

Me: Whatever. Go.

I laughed.

Martinus: Be fast.
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