Chapter 14

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Felix opened his door and immediately I was engulfed in a hug.

"Omg, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Felix asked frantically. If anyone he was the one that was not okay.

"I'm fine now Lix, don't worry, Minho helped me" I smiled slightly.

"Oh yeah Minho, sorry forgot about you for a second there hehe" only now did he notice Minho.

"Hey Felix" Minho chuckled.

And then we went to the living room.

"Hey Lix, thanks for letting me stay here again, I really appreciate it"

"Anytime Sung, stay here for as long as you want" I couldn't be more grateful to have found friends like this who really make me feel welcome and it warmed my heart.

"Hey Sung, I have a question, and if you're not ready to tell me that's fine, I just want to know what happened, bc you only told me like in short over text" Felix asked me.

"Oh right, I can tell you. So uhm I was home and I heard the door open and I was really confused bc my mom usually comes home much later, and when I saw her, some man was with her, so I asked who he was and apparently he's her new bf, which once again made me confused, bc I thought she was always working and didn't have time to meet new people and when I pointed that out, she said she hadn't been working as much and was actually spending time with him, and maybe that doesn't seem like a problem, but she was never home, I always cooked for us both, I never really told her how I got bullied for being gay, bc I didn't want to give her extra stress for me and I just always kept pretty quiet, bc she was the one working and getting money for us so when I realized that I went through all that stress for no reason I got upset at them. I yelled at them basically screaming about what I went through at my old school bc I was gay and apparently they're homophobic so then her bf just started getting really mad and she looked disgusted and told me to get out, which I did obviously" by the end I looked down and trying not to cry. I felt two arms wrap around me, I thought it was Felix, but when I looked I saw it was Minho hugging me, it felt really nice so I kind of let myself lean into his embrace, before eventually letting go.

"Og that's horrible, but then how did you stumble upon Minho?" Felix asked.

"So after I left, I just started running in a random direction, bc I just wanted to get away from there and I had no idea what to do, and then I kind of just fell down and when I looked up I saw I ran into this random forest, so I walked a bit further until I found a nice spot to sit, so I kinda just sat there, crying and stuff when Minho came there" I explained.

"Why were you there Minho?" He continued to ask. They didn't know? Then why did Minho tell me?

"So you know how I go to a therapist?" Felix just nodded. "Well for one of her methods I had to have a safe place, it could be a real place or a place I created in my head and then when I feel an anxiety or panic attack coming I have to get in kind of like a headspace of being at my safe place to try and calm myself down, it's a little more complicated than that, but I can't really explain it. Where Sungie was sitting, that's my safe place, I went there to relax and to let my guard down for a while, I always go there, so then I found him there and we kinda both explained in short why we were there" Minho then explained. Felix looked shocked to say the least.

"You already opened up to him? Like no offense to you Sung, but I didn't think he would open up to you about something like this so soon"

"Well I guess I just feel comfortable around him Lix, he's the first one in a while who didn't really judge me for being so cold all the time, he actually just let it go and understood that I had reasons to be like that, so opening up to him was much easier than I expected, it just came out, plus when I went there I was feeling pretty vulnerable so I guess I was just kind of letting it out" Minho then said and for some reason I felt my heart flutter at those words, he feels comfortable around me? I smiled, blushing a little bit.

"Awww that's so cute" Felix fangirled. Minho and I both just chuckled a bit nervously.

"Okay, anygay, you gays can get ready for bed, Sung maybe you can go first, Minho and I will get your room ready for me.

"Okay thank you Felix, for everything"

"It's no big deal now shoo"

"Okay okay" I laughed, getting everything I needed and going to shower.


I like this chapter, it's like an explanation of why they both were at that place at that time and more structured.

Anygays hope you enjoyed too :))

(Also I would really appreciate people voting on my story just so I know how many people are actually reading this, bc I feel like half the reads are just me going back to certain chapters to remember other parts of the story I already wrote)

Safe place // Minsung (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now