Chapter 16

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3rd person pov

After Jisung got settled in, he said goodnight to Minho, who was done taking a shower, and Felix and went to bed.

He was tired. Not just physically. Mentally he was just as exhausted. He didn't want to say it, but it was so hard. It was so much harder than he had thought. He didn't see his mom much, but he thought she loved him, so how could she have done that to him. How could she prefer her boyfriend over her own son? Her son who did everything for her?

And just like that, Jisung started overthinking again. He couldn't wrap his head around the situation. What had he done wrong?

The truth is, he didn't do anything wrong, but his mind made him think that. His mind made him blame himself.

He couldn't sleep and before he knew it, it was 4am. He went to sleep at 12. He had been thinking for 4 hours and there was no end.

He got up to go get a glass of water. He just needed to do something. Anything. Just so he was thinking about getting that glass of water, instead of the situation.

Jisung's pov

I got up and used the flashlight of my phone to be able to walk through the house.

I got to the kitchen and searched the different cabinets for a glass. Then I found the water in the fridge, and with the water in my hand, I walked to the living room.

When I got there, I saw Minho sleeping in the couch.

I looked at him and once again realised how beautiful he is.

His black hair messily on his head, his big eyes closed and his defined nose and cheeks, he looked soft. His lips looked soft too and plump, whoever gets to kiss him, is a lucky person. Was he also gay or bisexual or pan, like everyone else in the friend group, or was he straight? I don't really know anything about him, only that something must've happened for him to go to a psychologist and that that something must also be the reason he acts so cold.

3rd person pov

He wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything. Who hurt him? And what exactly happened?

He also wanted to see Minho let loose more. And his smile. His pretty smile. He wanted to see Minho smile more and he knew he wanted to be the one who made him smile.

He realised he had been staring, how could he not? He finished his water and went to put down the glass on the table. He accidentally put it down too hard and flinched at the sound it made when the glass hit the table. Shit.

He looked over and saw Minho slowly fluttering open his eyes.

When Minhi finally fully opened his eyes and saw Jisung, he got startled for a second.

"Jisung? It's still dark inside, what time is it? And why are you awake?"

It took Jisung a few seconds to process what Minho had just said.
"Oh uh, I think it's 4:15 maybe 4:30am. I couldn't sleep" he replied, suddenly remembering why he was up in the first place.

"Why not? Were you overthinking?" Minho asked, Jisung just nodded.
"Look, I know how that feels I do that a lot too, but we can talk about this in the morning or later on today, right now you have to get at least some sleep. With me it usually helps when I'm not alone in the room. Do you want me to go with you?"

Jisung didn't really know, but Minho sounded like he knew what he was talking about so he nodded again and answered in a small voice. "Yes, please"

Minho smiled at Jisung's cuteness and stood up.

"Come on, let's get you to bed" Jisung felt his heart flutter slightly at Minho's smile, Minho's beautiful and frankly ethereal smile. He then also stood up and followed Minho back to his room.

They both got under the covers of the comfortable and warm bed, each on one side. Minho was right.
Jisung did feel more at peace with Minho there beside him.


In this chapter, I really just wrote whatever came into my head, but I think I like how it came out.

Hope you enjoyed.

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