Chapter 42

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It was time for lunch. Jisung and Chaeyoung had been getting closer in between classes and they got along really really well. Jisung offered to show Chaeyoung her so she'd know where to find it when she needed it. So he did and then they made their way to the cafeteria.

They greeted everyone, being the latest to arrive.

There were exactly 2 more available places, one next to Minho and one next to Jeongin across from Minho.

"Chaeyoung come sit next to me" Jeongin yelled out. She did so Jisung had to sit next to Minho, which he definitely wasn't going to complain about.

Seungmin and Hyunjin were acting all lovely dovey together and they were cute, but honestly a bit gross.

"Hey guys, cut it out, ew!" Jeongin yelled again and it wasn't weird for someone to tell the couple to stop, but something about the way Jeongin said it was different. He sounded almost hurt. No one really paid attention to it, but there were 2 people who noticed. Maybe because they were new, but Jisung and Chaeyoung really did notice something was off. The others did too, but shrugged it off, being used to Jeongin's weird behaviour.

Chaeyoung decided to let it go for now, if she noticed it again, she might ask. Jisung was just overall to scared to say something wrong to say anything at all, but he did keep it in the back of his mind.

"So Chaeyoung, seen any girls you like?" Hyunjin asked with a smirk.

"Nope, but I have seen some that definitely give me gay vibes" she answered back with a smirk.

"Really? Who?!" Felix yelled out dramatically.

"Well let's see. Oh the most important one is definitely miss Jeon. Bitch her style and her reaction to me coming out spoke for itself, she's either gay or bi" she explained.

"Wait what did you do to come out" Chan asked, confused.

"Oh, well I just told the class I was bi and for girls to hit me up, miss Jeon was trying so hard to keep herself from laughing." the ones who weren't there all looked at her in shock.

"My exact reaction" Minho said.

"Wow, the confidence" Changbin said amazed and everyone silently agreed. They were going to get along with this girl, they could already tell.

"Okay, but I'm not sure about miss Jeon though, you really think so?" Seungmin asked, his voice full of doubt.

"Oh I'm sure. She screams gay energy. Her dyed hair and oversized button up and her reaction. It speaks for itself"

"She's probably right though, she knew Minho and I were gay before we even came out, her gaydar is on point" Hyunjin explained to his boyfriend.

Lunch continued with more questions and finally some eating, before it was time for class again. Most of them groaned, really not wanting to get back to class, but knowing they had too. But it was fine, they had agreed on hanging out all together and having a sleepover on Friday, at Felix and Jisung's place, so as they could get to know Chaeyoung better, like they'd done with Jisung.


I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise it had been so long since I last updated, but here it is.

Hope you enjoyed.

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