Chapter 23

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Ok guys
I don't know if anyone's awake
but Jisung is at the hospital and I'm sitting in the waiting room
I don't exactly what happened but he collapsed and I woke up from the sound and when I went to go see him I saw he was awake, but he wouldn't speak or move and I'm really worried

Felix texted the groupchat, anxiously tapping his foot, hoping at least one of his friends was awake to comfort him or come to the hospital.

Felix, you know I barely sleep
I'll be right there

Shit I'm coming

When Felix checked his phone and saw Chan and Minho were coming, he signed in relief, at least he wouldn't have to be here alone. He shouldn't even be surprised, Chan and Minho were always up. Chan was always up working or just on his phone, because he had a lot on his mind and Minho had insomnia.

The group didn't know the details of Minho's insomnia or how long he had had it for. He hadn't told them much about the topic. He had had it on and off for a long time so he didn't wanna talk about it in case it went away again and he would seem pathetic.

Chan and Minho were both also really worried and rushed to the hospital, hoping to get there as soon as possible.

Chan arrived first and went to the front desk asking were Jisung was at the moment. The man then looked it up and told him where he had to wait until they could go see Jisung.

When Chan arrived in the waiting room Felix ran up to him and immediately clung onto him.

"C-chan I don't.. I don't know w-what to do, he j-just collapsed" Felix was crying now, he was known to be on the more sensitive side in their friendgroup and he had a hard time controlling his emotions, they just came out.

"Felix, it's scary, I'm worried too, but he'll be okay. You said he was awake right? That should be a good sign." Chan tried to reassure the crying boy in his arms and after a while Felix calmed down. They both just went to the seats provided in the waiting room, waiting for news or for Minho to arrive.

Minho came in not long after. He looked like a mess and quite frankly he felt like one too. His hair stood up in many directions, he just had on a hoodie with sweatpants and bags under his eyes, it looked like he had just jumped out of bed and left his house and actually that's exactly what he did.

He ran over to the two australians and asked them if there was news.

"No, he's been in there for about an hour, so that's not too long, he'll be okay" Felix said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

Nobody said anything for a while, all deep in their thoughts, hoping their new friend was okay or at least would be soon.

Not long after a nurse came out of the room.

"Han Jisung?"

"Yes, we're his friends"

"Oh ok, well it seemed like he had a panic or anxiety attack and struggled to breath, which caused him to collapse. After that, he disassociated which I think must've been a first for him, because as he didn't know what was happening he was so far gone, he couldn't speak or move anymore."

This information was a lot to take in for the three, but they nodded anyway.

"Well, can we go see him" Minho asked.

"Sure, but be calm, he can't take much right now" the nurse said before leaving.


I hope this was okay and the information wasn't too incorrect. Make sure to tell me if it is.

Anygays hope you enjoyed this.

Edit: there were so many mistakes in the first version of this, also after I've finished the story I will be editing all the chapters.

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