Chapter 30

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Jisung was getting tired so he leaned his head on Minho's shoulder. Minho looked at him and just smiled. The atmosphere was peaceful. They were both just enjoying their time together and were honestly just vibing. (As you do)

After a while they realised that it was getting late and they should probably head back home. Minho decided to walk Jisung home before going home himself.

"Are you coming back to school tomorrow?" Minho asked Jisung.

"Yeah probably, I'm a little scared though, I was just new and I was already absent and I don't want people asking me questions" Jisung confessed.

"It's fine, I'll stay with you, a lot of people are scared of me, so they won't even come near you"

"Why are they scared of you, you're literally so soft"

"Only for you" Minho winked, which caused Jisung to blush. "No, it's just I act so cold to people that everyone thinks I'm mean or evil or some shit so they don't come near me, because they're scared I'll hurt them"

"Have you ever hurt someone before?" Jisung asked cautiously, he couldn't imagine Minho doing something like that.

"No, don't worry, people just judge way too quick and they just think because of my cold demeanor that I'm some mean guy that beats up people for fun, I've told you this before, but the reason I trusted you so fast was because you didn't judge me like everyone else always does when they first meet me" he smiled so warmly at Jisung and the younger melted inside. He was glad to have found someone like Minho. They were quiet for the rest of their way home, walking in a comfortable silence.

Soom they arrived at Felix and Jisung's now shared home.

"Thanks for staying with me, you know at the hospital and then ij the forest, I enjoyed your company" and you make me feel safe is what Jisung would've added if he would've been ready to admit to himself that he liked Minho.

"It's really no problem, I enjoyed your company too"

They both smiled at each other, before Jisung went in and Minho continued his walk.

When Jisung closed the door, Felix was waiting for him.

"Where were you?" He asked and Jisujg jumped because he wasn't expecting Felix to just be standing there.

"Oh I went out and I ended up at the place Minho and I saw each other, you know that time and I was just sitting there before apparently Minhk had the same idea and we saw each other there." At this point we had both made it to the couch and we sat down.

"What did you two do?" Felix was curious and happy for the two of them for both finding someone to be there for them.

"We talked for a really long time, he told me some stuff about his past and the reason he acts so cold and shit" Jisung said.

"Wait really?" Felix asked him, wide eyed. "He hasn't even told us the whole story, just some snippets"

"Oh... uh yeah I felt bad for him, but I admire him too, he's been through so much and he still stays so strong" Jisung was in awe and Felix saw it, but decided not to mention it.

The rest of the night they spend playing video games and watching a movie, before they realised they should probably go to sleep if they wanted to be able to get up for school tomorrow.


Sorry, it's not a long chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something for now.

So yeah hope you enjoyed :)

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