Chapter 22

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3rd person pov

Jisung was laying in bed and he missed Minho if he was being honest with himself. He couldn't sleep again and wondered if Minho's presence would change that.

It probably would, but before Jisung knew it, dark thoughts started to overtake his mind.

Thoughts about his whole life and everything he had gone through. "Why me?" That was the question that was most prominent in his mind.

Sometimes he wished he wouldn't like boys, he wished he had a more masculine appearance and didn't look as small and thin as he did. He wished he was good at sports instead of arts. He wished football was his passion instead of music. He wished he'd fit in with the rest of his peers.

He wished his dad hadn't left, he wished his mom would've been supportive, he wished his mom's new asshole of a boyfriend didn't exist.

And most of all, he wished to have lived a different life.

It's not like he wanted to die, that thought scared him. He just wished he could live as someone else.
He also didn't necessarily hate life  he just hated his.

He didn't wanna live as the fragile, broken boy, who seemed to not deserve happiness, because anytime anything good happened, something else in his life went wrong.

He wondered why the universe seemed to be against him.

With all these thoughts running to his head, he had begun crying. He cried until he felt there were no tears left in his body. He felt dehydrated and wanted to get himself some water, but he didn't want to get up, he wanted to stay in bed until everything sorted itself out and he could be happy again. He just wanted to be happy.

He decided that even though he didn't want to get up, he needed water, so with great difficulty he forced himself out of bed. He stood up, his legs felt wobbly and his mind hazy and the room seemed to spin. He forced himself through it though and began walking towards the door. Everything was hard. After struggling to open the door he finally got it, but after taking another two steps he collapsed. He hadn't fainted, he didn't lose consciousness, he still was very much awake, but his body was to weak to do anything.

In the other room Felix woke up to a loud thud. He was scared, what if someone had broken in? Despite those worries, he stepped out for his room and into the hallway. He saw Jiusng laying there and immediately rushed to him.

"Omg Jisung are you okay?" He then face palmed. "Of course you're not, stupid question. I'm calling an ambulance, you can tell me what happened afterwards." He all said with obvious panic in his voice. Jisung just weakly nodded, not being able to get words out.

Felix quick dialed 911 and told them to get there as soon as possible. He stayed with Jiusng the whole time. Jisung was thankful for Felix, because the boy genuinely cared for him it seemed.

Not long after the ambulance arrived and they carried Jisung to the car, while Felix went with him.


Uhm, hope you guys enjoyed this, a big part of this chapter is based on things I have experienced, not the whole collapsing thing (I experienced something similar), mostly the thoughts running through his mind are things I used to think a lot, now they're different, but probably worse.

This was pretty personal so I hope you enjoyed this.

I also wanted to thank everyone again, bc this book has over 2,5k reads!!!!!!!! I can't thank you guys enough, I hope you continue to read this book.

Also if anyone is still reading, I'm in desperate need of friends so please do message me :))

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