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Authors' Note: Hello, again. We're back! We just wanted to take a quick second and thank everyone for your support. Our previous issue has been dealt with, so hopefully, we won't hear any more of it. Onto happier things - without further ado, please enjoy chapter six!

Chapter Six

Things between Brett and Casey have been great since they both said, I love you. They were both so happy it was hard to explain it. How their world was this perfect, they didn't know. Both of them would find themselves just stopping and staring at each other. Brett had stayed with Casey at his apartment every night since then; though she had not fully moved in yet they were both currently looking at houses to move into.

"Ohhh, what about that one?" Called out Brett as she sat on Casey's bunk in his office looking through books their realtor Andy had given them.

Casey smiled looking up from his paperwork, "Too small."

Brett gasped, "Too small? Casey, it has three bedrooms."

Casey laughed setting down his pen and walking over to Brett on his bunk, "Brett we need at least four bedrooms; one for us and one for each of the babies."

"Yes, but we don't even know the sexes yet. For all, we know they could all three could share one bedroom." Quietly said Brett as she scooted over so that she was sitting on Casey's lap.

"One bedroom? What do you think they are, all girls?" Happily asked Casey.

Brett smiled, "It could be all boys."

"Boys?" Said Casey as he slightly crinkled his nose.

Brett laughed out loud, "Yes, boys. What's wrong, you don't want a house full of boys?"

Casey grinned before placing his hand on Brett's now noticeable baby bump, "Ehh. Boys are good. I want at least one girl though."

"Really?" Asked Brett as her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I need a little princess to spoil."

Brett smiled before leaning down and kissing Casey on the lips. "I love you." She softly whispered.

"I love you too, Brett. Do you realize how happy you make me."



Brett signed before getting up off of Casey's lap, "We will finish this conversation later, mister."

Casey grabbed her hand before she walked out, "Hey, promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise." Called out Brett before she took off out of Casey's office and raced with Foster to the ambulance.

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