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Authors' Note: Hi, everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS! We hope you have an amazing day! As always, we just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has: favorited, followed, voted on, commented on, and reviewed this story! We appreciate every one of you! And, a little Christmas gift from us, we have made this chapter a two-thousand chapter! So, enjoy and don't forget to tell us what you thought at the end!

*Sorry for any grammar mistakes. There was only one writer to proofread this time.

Brett was the first to wake up the next morning at around seven am right when the sun was starting to come up. She was so excited to be there she felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

She was still laying in bed when she felt the babies start to move around, she smiled and Immediately put both hands on her bump so she could feel her babies kick and move around. As Brett was sitting there she turned to look at Casey and started thinking, 'How'd I get so lucky. Gabby lost someone so amazing and now he's mine and we have three little one's due in the next three and a half months.'

Casey looked like he was about to wake up, so Brett decided to hop out of bed and go to their little kitchen to make him some coffee, but just as she was setting in on the nightstand, she felt a hand reach out and grab her around the waist.

"Ahh," Squealed Brett as she was carefully pulled back onto the bed and into the arms of the man she loves, "Casey, you literally just gave me and the babies a heart attack."

Casey smiled before he threw his hand over her bump and cuddled it, "I'm sorry, babies. Your mommy's just really funny when she gets scared."

"No, I'm not." Playfully argued Brett.

"Whatever," Grinned Casey as she put his head in the crook of Brett's neck and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hey, mister don't go back to sleep. We have to get out and do something today."

Casey groaned, "Oh, come on Brett. We're on vacation, let's just spend the day in bed relaxing."

Brett finally acquiesced when Casey told her they could spend tomorrow doing whatever she wanted to do.

"Okay, but tomorrow I'm booking a boat ride, so we can take a tour around the island."

Casey smiled before he sealed the deal with a kiss, "Perfect."

A couple of hours later they were still in bed laying around watching movies, which is something they rarely go to do at home considering how tired they were with their jobs.

"Hey, I have a question for you." Called out Brett as she came out of the bathroom still wearing what she woke up in.

Casey looked up from his phone, "Okay..."

Brett laughed, "It's nothing too serious."

"Okay, what is it then."

"Well...Foster said something to me the other day."

Casey narrowed his eyes at Brett wondering where she was going with this, "And..."

"Well, don't you think it's weird that we still call each other our work names, even after being together for a while and being pregnant."

Casey looked at Brett and laughed, "That's it, really? I thought you killed someone or something."

Brett shook her head and smiled at her husband, "Don't you think it's weird though. Even when we're at home we still call each other Brett and Casey."

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