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Lara's POV

At school I saw the guys laughing about something. Monty gave me a kiss before I turned towards them. "Okay what is so funny ?" Bryce turned the phone towards me and I saw a picture of Hannah going down a slide with her dress up, panties showing. Shit what the hell is this. "Where did you get this ?" Monty puts his arm around my shoulder en pulls me into his side. "Justin got it last night when he was done fucking her." They all started laughing and I saw her looking our way. Bryce grabbed Justin's phone and sended the picture all over school. I saw the look of hurt on her face. The only thing that crossed my mind was. The hell are you doing Baker ?

Jessica grabbed my arm as I got out of Monty's jeep. "What are you doing Jess?" She looked pissed and tired. "Where is he Lara ?" Now all made sense she was looking for Justin. "Jess you really need to calm down okay. He is probably at Bryce's sleepi g off whatever hangover." She did not like that answer very much. Monty came over and put his arm around my shoulders.

She looked ready to attack me. "If he is not here for the pep rally, Lara I will kill him if he embarrasses me in front of everybody." I pulled her into a hug and she hugged back really tight. "Everything will be fine. You'll see he will show." She gave me a grateful smile and left to find the other cheerleaders. Monty gave her a strange look. "Why the hell is she so freaked out by Justin not being here. This is not the first time."

I know I can't tell him te truth so I pulled him by the hand and we started to walk our way to school entrance. "This is a big pep rally babe and if he is not here and she runs out alone that would be a massive embarrassment." He nods his head in an understanding matter. Out front the guys are waiting for us. They all do their bro hug thing and I decide to go to my locker. Smack ! "Fuck Tyler you scared the shit out of me !" He looks around to see who heard or saw. "Sorry uhm I didn't think uhm it would be that loud."

I really don't have time for this so I give him a gesture to continue with his purpose of scaring me. "I think you and I should go talk to Clay about the whole thing with the tapes." I gave him a very confused look. Closed my locker and started to walk away. "Look Tyler I don't..." He stops me mid sentence. "Come on Lara we are the only people that actually care about him."

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