29 🍸

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Lara's POV

Wednesday moring was chaos in our house. Mom and dad have to be in New York for about two weeks and Carly is still a mess after Lukas. "Lara remember to call Allison Marshall. She said she will take you in as a intern over the summer. If you are serious about journalism you'll take it."

I nod my head. Dad comes rushing down stairs with the suitcases. He gives me a kiss on the head. "Love you, pumpkin." I gave him a smile. Mom walks over to were Carly was amking coffee. "Be strong honey." Carly smiles and gives her a hug.

She walks to me. Pulls me into a hug and whispers. "Take care of her please. I love you Lara." I nod my head and they leave from the kitchen door.

"You can go to school. I'll be fine. Promise." I gave her a hug and go outside to get into my car. The shit with Bryce is really starting a big mess. The Bakers will not settle and Mrs Baker found a list with our names on it in Hannah's room.

Today we have to go in and give a testimony. Fuck this is bullshit. Mom said I have nothing to worry about. I'll just have to answer the questions. She also said that if they go to court she or dad would represent me.

Dad gave me a list of bullet points this morning. Telling me how to act and how to answer a question. Also I need to call him the moment I'm done. He wants to know what questions were asked.

Walking in that room I saw Mrs en Mr Baker next to their lawyer. I became nerves and then I saw Mrs Jensen. She gave me a small smile. The Baker's lawyer told me to sit down. "We'll start to record. Please state your name, surname and age." I look at the people in the room.

When the red light on the camera showed I answered politely. "My name is Lara Hastings, I'm 17 years of age." That sounded really mature. Dad would be proud. "Lara tell me about the jock culture at school."

I thought for a moment. "The school revolves around jocks. They get anything they want to have." The lawyer took notes and Mrs Jensen asked a question. "Your part of the jocks right?"

I swallowed and leaned slightly back. "That is correct, yes." She folds her hands together. "Tell me about your friendship with Hannah." That question makes me uncomfortable.

I start to play with my fingers and then I remembered that I shouldn't show that I'm nerves. "We weren't really friends. More like acquaintance." Mrs Baker leaned forward.

A sad look was seen in her eyes. "Your the girl that slutshamed her." Her lawyer puts his hand on her arm and pushes her slightly back. "Yes that was me but I also wasn't the only one to do it."

Mrs Jensen sat up straight. Writing down fast. "Did this happen at school or off campus ?" I wanted to lie but I knew that somewhere along the line I would have to stop with it. "Both."

Mrs Baker burst into tears. Her husband wraps her in his arms. "Maybe if I took the time to be her friend she wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place."

The Baker's lawyer looked at me. "Your doing great. Just a few more questions." I nod my head. I can't bring myself to look at Mrs Baker. "What do you mean if you took the time to be her friend ?"

That question really got to me. I know deep down what my answer is. I owe it to Hannah to tell the truth. "I just asume the rumors were true and then I piled on them. Instead of asking her about it I decided to to make them worse. If I stopped Justin from sending that pictures maybe she would have never been slutshamed. Even by me."

The lawyer looked really impressed with my answer. They write a few things down and tell me that I'm free to go. Relief washes over my body. Damn.

At school I found Courtney waiting for me. "How did it go?" I just walk past her like she doesn't exist. At my locker I felt a presence near me. When I looked Clay stood next to me.

"What happend today ? Did they ask about the tape ?" I shake my head and closes my locker. When I turn to him I see his face is all bruised up. "Fuck Clay what happend ?"

He looked kind of bad actually. I stepped closer. "Don't worry about it." Clay is one weird fucking kid. I see Skye walking towards us. She stops next to Clay.

"Hi." I'm lost with words. I never thought she would speak to me again. "Hey." She smiles and then takes Clay's hand. This is a first. Did she finally tell him how she felt.

"We have to get going." I only nod. The bell goes and that is the sign of another school day wasted. Looking at the time I realise that we have a meeting at Monet's

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