21 🎈

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Hannah's POV

Lara. When I first met you. I could not believe that there were girls like you out there. I mean you have it all. The parents. The friends. The boyfriend. The popularity. The looks. The smarts. I could go on forever but for the purpose of this tape I'll skip that.

You heard right. This is your tape. Your a reason why I ended my life. The first night at that party. You were so nice to me. Like I could really be your friend. When school started you helped me land a date with Justin Foley. I was for ever gratefull.

Then the mess started when you stood and watched how Justin spreaded the rumours about me. Not to mention the picture. You conveniently watched from the side lines. You judged me. That was only the first thing.

Jessica was my best friend. The one person I could really be honest with. You took her from me. You took her for yourself because that is who you are. Same with Alex.

He is so in love with you. You know. I know you know but you'd never give him a chance. Rather play with his feelings than give him something real. The worse part is he follows you like a damn lap dog. Pathetic.

Before you think this is over you should sit back and make sure your seatbelt is on tight. This ride is about to get bumpy. Courtney Crimson. I know why you bullied her. Constantly made fun of her and judged her. You were so insecure about your relationship with Montgomery. You thought that Courtney wanted him.

That she was in love with him and you couldn't handle that. You broke her down and in the process you broke me down. You used me to slutshame her. Why ? Because it turned out that she was a lesbian ? Truth is, she was never in love with your boyfriend. She was deeply in love with you.

Yeah you heard right she loved you. Probably still does. It is not even her fault for falling for someone so manipulative and bitchy. She just did. My favorite part of this story. Jess party.

It was normal and soon you'll learn there happend 4 things that night. Each a separate tape of course but the all begin with you. It always starts with you.

You arrived with Montgomery. Helo Jess set up everything. Even welcomed Clay into the house. Soon the house was packing with people. I didn't want to go to that party but another part of me wanted to. So I did. I wish I never left my house that night.

You werw the first one to notice me. "Hey Hannah Baker !" I looked over to you and you lifted your red cup high with a smile on your face. Your other arm wrapped around your boyfriend. I laughed it off and walked right into Jess and Justin. Turns out it was their one month anniversary. You brought them together.

I tried to make conversation with them but Jess blow me off. Finding Clay in the messy crowd we started chatting. There was a game of suck-and-blow going around. You looked comfortable on Montgomery's lap. Arm loosely around his shoulders while his one arm is wrapped around your waist.

You were drunk off your ass. The game changed to Jess and Justin practically fucking onto of Clay and I. Total turn off. As we stood up to wake away you turned your attention to us. "Hannah Baker come here." I nervously step closer to you. "The first bedroom on the right side is the one for used sluts. Make sure you at least give Clay a good time."

My entire body frozen at your words. Used sluts? What the hell are you talking about. Everyone was laughing so hard. I let my head fell in shame as I made my way into the kitchen. There I was hiding foe the better part of an hour.

Finally decided to go look for Clay. When I got outside he was on his way to leave. I stopped him asked if we could talk some more. He agreed and we had a nice chat. About half an hour later a noticed you and Bryce at the big tree in Jess back yard.

Looked like you were tying something to it. I got up and walked closer. You saw me and gave Bryce a hit on the arm. "Ladies and Gents please come and place your bet. The highest number might just get reallly lucky tonight. Except for Clay who is obviously first."

You stood there. Beer in one hand laughing at Bryce's announcement. That's when I noticed what you tied up. A sex doll. With the words Hannah Baker written in red marker. When some of the guys started to notice me they went up and placed their money in the jar Bryce held.

Tears were streaming down my face. I know what you'll say to everyone. It was not your idea you did nothing. But that is my point you never did anything. You stood by your boyfriend's side and let them slutshame me. After awhile you started to participate.

You know what Lara. I know that your are just a scared, insecure, selfish, manipulative, little girl. You made my life a little more hell and the best part is you won't even remember because you were so drunk.

I should have never went to that stupid party.

Lara's party outfit 👢

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