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twenty. do not go gentle

Salvatore Boarding House

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Salvatore Boarding House

Stefan is walking into the main living room area in which the caramel brunette is, who have just hung up her phone call with a friend, "Hey..."

Rosie, awkward and shy, looks at her ex, "Hey...do you, have a second?"

"Yeah, I'm here, aren't I? Everything alright?" Her close best friend asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just, um...I wanted to, uh...Caroline and I were talking about going to the dance and, um...Okay, look, I know where we're at, you and I, and I know it would be stupid to even think that we could go back to the way things were, but I'm going to the dance and I'd like to go with you." Another decade dance, though this time it's the twenties. Her favourite.

"Um, I'd love that." Stefan nods.

"Okay, great. Uh..." Rosie smiles awkwardly as she walks out of the room.

Damon walks into the room a few minutes later to casually speak with his brother, "I'm thinking gardenia corsage. Wrist obviously, you don't want to accidentally stab her in the chest with the pin. Now, that could get messy."

"Damon, I--" Stefan doesn't get to finish his sentence when his envious, bitter, sarcastic brother only walks out of the room, ignoring him again.


Rosie Kartwright's Residence

Once early night time has fallen, Rosie is adjusting her classically neat faux bob caramel hairstyle for her twenties outfit in front of the tall, full-length mirror in her massive bedroom upstairs. A ring of the doorbell is clearly heard and she speed-walks down the stairs, down the front hallway and answers the main front door, revealing that it's her handsome escort, Stefan Salvatore, in a sharp black suit standing on the porch and he smiles at her.

"Wow, you look...dashing." The caramel brunette commented, smiling.

"You look um- very beautiful. Here, I got something for you." The one-hundred and sixty-three-year-old pins a white rose on his lovely date's dark green flapper dress and he closely examines her whole 1920's outfit.

"Thank you." She smiles, looking down at her low sparkly Saint Laurent block pumps, actually feeling delightfully excited but nervous for tonight.

"So, given our dangeous dance karma, sure you're up for this?" He asked.

"I don't want to get cold feet. I mean, getting out of bed is dangeous these days as it is. But we have to live our lives, as functional vampires." She said.

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