Author [@Mischief87654321]

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Welcome, everyone. Today we have the lovely   Mischief87654321

Author of: Void [teenwolf fanfic]

Lexi Potter [Harry potter fanfic]

Skin [Supernatural fanfic]

The Youngest [Teenwolf Fanfic] and many more great books.

A big thank you to her for taking the time to answer these questions.

If you haven't read her books then please do. They're amazing...

Without further ado...

What inspired you to start writing?

Well, funny story (for me at least) I started writing in my first year of high school, so I was 11 at the time. I've always had this thing where when I watch a movie that I really like, I start imagining other people in it doing other things along with the characters. I would make up scenarios while watching a movie. Then, the next day, instead of listening to my teachers in class, I would start developing my ideas. I then decided to start writing to them so I wouldn't lose my ideas. But what really started me out is when I made one of my friends read my stories and they suggested that I actually start writing them fully and then I discovered Wattpad and here I am now.

Did you have any writers' block along the way? how did you get past them?

Well, not writer's block per se. More like, things happen which prevented me from being able to write, which is why I don't post a lot, but now, I actually have my own computer, which I didn't have before. I'll be able to start writing more hopefully. As I said, my mind makes up scenarios of its own when I watch a show or a movie and sometimes I can even see different endings for a movie. In one of my stories, I've had up to 4 different endings that worked. So, normally, I don't really get writer's block, if I do, I have my best friend who helps me and, of course, I've also got some ideas from my reader's. (The best ideas always surface with the readers usually)

Do you see yourself in any characters and why?

Well, I see myself in Lexie and a bit in Ellie also. All of my characters are based on someone in my life. Lexie is fully me, I based her off of what I would have done if I was in her situation. So, she is me, (apart from like one or two details) Kylie is based on one of the little girls in my kindergarten and Caleb is based on my guy best friend. Even the works that I have not published yet (I might have like 60 stories not posted yet... oops?) everything is based on me and my entourage.

How old are you?
 I am 18 years old. 

How old were you when you started writing? 

When I really started writing, I was 11, but imagining stories? Way further than that. For as long as I can remember, even with like kid's cartoons, I would make up characters and stories. 

Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing? what did you feel?

 I felt happy. Writing takes off stress for me. Writing also takes me to another world, like a safe haven of some sort. I am a very shy and reserved person and I was worst back then, I kept to myself because I felt like I was bothering people. Writing made me feel like I mattered somewhere, because when you write, the characters in your story depend on you, without you, they are nothing. So, in a way, I felt like I mattered, I felt free.

What's your outside life like?

Boring I'd say, (says the girl who just came back from Cuba *facepalm*) apart from the trip I just took. I'm in college in languages Spanish and German, I work in a fast-food restaurant, no, not Mcdonald's, but A&W and also a Petro-Canada which is a gas station. Apart from that, there are three friends that I see every week. My mom also has a kindergarten so I help her with that and I have a one-year-old brother.

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