Chapter 2 The small diamonds arrival

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Black Diamond's POV
Today I were actually super lucky, I had gotten free time and that was super rare for me. It had been at least 1500 years since I had meet the other Diamonds. The last time I had met them were when I dueled with Yellow. Time sure does just fly away....

Every day were just the same, work,work,work but today did feel off though, why? I had no clue.

I felt drawn to the same place were me and the other Diamonds were created. When my senses were telling me something were off, there would be something happening. Good or bad I did not know.

We new a another diamond were in this wall resting, maybe it's my senses telling me the fifth diamond is finally ready to come out I thought.

I sat there waiting and waiting for the gem to come out, it took it's time but I knew eventually she would be out today. My senses were quite similar of a sapphire's future vision, but the thing is I don't see it, only felt it in my gut.

I eventually got tired of waiting, so I sat up and began to leave but I were stopped when a pink light glowed in the room. I turned my gaze behind me were the source of light came from and seeing a pink diamond that were floating and glowing brightly in multiple pink colors. I slowly walked up to it and watched it carefully. The pink gem started to reform creating their body as it were floating down. When the form of the diamond were done as her feet were placed softly to the ground. I watched the diamond in amazement, we had waited so long for her to come out of her gem and now she were here.

She were small and pink and oh so adorable. She looked up at me and smiled and I returned the smile as I sat down next to the new diamond.
-Hi there, I'm Pink Diamond!

She told me with a happy voice,I took my hand out for her to step on. She steeped on it as I began to speak.
-Hello Pink, my name is Black Diamond. It's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you.

I told her in a calm voice as I didn't want to scare the gem but she didn't seem the slightest scared of me at all. She actually looked happy to see me.
-It's a pleasure to meet you too Black.

She said with the same happy smile that were playing on her pink face. I chuckled slightly at the diamond and looked at her as she were looking around the room in amazement while she were still in my hand.
-What is this place Black?

She asked with a curious expression as she were inspecting the room and her surroundings closely.
-This place is on a planet called Homeworld and it's ruled by me,White Diamond ,Yellow Diamond ,Blue Diamond and now you. This room itself is the room were all the Diamonds including me were created. To speak of the Diamonds, do you wish to meet with them.

I said to Pink and she nodded repeatedly as she were excited to meet them. I smiled warmly at her.
-Pearl, inform the diamonds to meet me at my chambers.I have something important to show them.

I said and my pearl nodded as she took out her hologram screen from her gem as she were contacting the other Diamonds. I began walking back to my chambers and held a careful hand close to the other hand I held Pink in. As if she were to fall I would catch her. I didn't want the adorable little gem to get shattered after all our waiting.

A couple of minutes later
When I had reached my chambers I had sat down on my throne still holding Pink in my soft hand waiting for the other Diamonds to arrive. There were a window above me blinding me, it were kind of annoying. It always shined light directly at my eyes. I should probably get it removed. My attention to the annoying window were interrupted when I saw Pink staring at me in the corner of my eye.

I turned my attention to her as the light were still hitting my face, Pink had this intense glare towards me, I wondered why. Maybe I did something to upset the small Diamond I thought.
-You have such gorgeous eyes Black, Everything about you are so pretty and tall.

The small diamond said out of nowhere surprising me. I looked at her with a happy smile and chuckled sweetly at her. She were so kind and adorable.
-Thank you Pink, you yourself are in such a beautiful pink and you are oh so adorable.

I told her truthfully, she were about to say something but were cut of when the doors opened. I put a hand over Pink hiding her as I wanted to surprise the Diamonds.They were going to be so happy knowing that the fifth diamond had finally arrived. White,Yellow and Blue walked inside my grey,black and white colored chamber.

White came up to me with a worried expression visible on her face.
-What happened,Are you okey, who hurt you, please tell me you are alright my dear Night!

White said in a worried tone as she looked at me searching for something. I looked at my pearl and when she saw my glares and she turned her gaze away. Oh so she were the guilty one I said to myself understanding that pearl had probably messed with White's feelings.

I sighed and then gave White a comforting smile showing that there were nothing wrong.
-I'm fine, nothing have happened to me.. except....I did meet someone special today. I wanted you all to meet her. That's why I asked for your presence in my chambers.

I told White and her expression softens when she knows nothing were wrong, but soon her face turned curious.
-My dear Night, who is it you wish us to meet?

White asked while Yellow and Blue approached me awaiting for my answer. I then gave them a bright smile and took of my hand that were on Pink revealing her standing on my hand to the other Diamonds.
-Meet Pink Diamond!

I told them in a cheerful tone as Pink waved at them nervously. Blue came up to Pink that were still in my hand and greeted her.
-My name is Blue Diamond, you can call me Blue.

Blue told Pink with a soft voice and Pink bowed and spoke.
-It's a pleasure to meet you Blue, I'm Pink!

Pink told Blue in a energetic voice and as she plopped down on my hand so she could sit down. She dangled her legs moving them back and forth playfully. I chuckled slightly at the small diamond and now it were time for Yellow and White to talk to her. Yellow then came forwards to Pink and coughed slightly getting the small diamonds attention.
-Hello Pink, I am Yellow Diamond.

Yellow greeted herself with a serious tone. Pink smiled and nodded. Now me,Yellow and Blue looked at White waiting for her to present herself to Pink while having a happy expression plastered on my face. White sighed and looked at the small diamond in my hand as she came forward.
-Greetings Pink,
I am White Diamond.

White said as she looked at Pink then her attention went on me. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up telling her she did good.White smiled softly at me and took some steps back to once she originally stood.
-It's nice to meet you all, as I told before I'm Pink Diamond but call me Pink.

Pink is in the story now you guys, how would this turn out. Would Pink do something unforgettable or possible be the reason to Black's future shattering? That you will know in the future chapters.

Hope you enjoyed reading the story and see you guys at the next chapter. Bye bye my fellow readers🖤💎

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