Chapter 24 Homeworld Part 2

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Black Diamond's Pov
There she stood, a tall, strong gem, wearing a gem for a nose, looking at us with rage. Her fists were cleanched into fists ready to bestow them into someones face in mere seconds.

I nervously gazed upon the others at the corner of my eye, seeing all of them wearing terrified expression on their faces. 'They looked like they have met this gem before, like she was familiar to them, I wonder why that is' I thought until I felt something bump into my back, making my eyes wander to the source.

It was Lapis, hiding behind me from the large gem as her face was buried in my back, her form shaking violently.

Her expression broke my heart of how terrified she was of this unknown gem. 'Could this be the gem she wanted to avoid?'I thought as my attention turned back onto the huge orange gem.

The striped gem glared at us, awaiting for a response as her patience was wearing thin. I gulped down my terror as I was trying to compose myself, trying my best to not weary any suspicions on myself towards the unknown gem. At least we manged to change into proper outfits before the gem came stomping towards us, or else she could've noticed who Pearl, Steven and Lapis was.
-I'm sorry if we were loud, we won't repeat such actions ever again.

I said calmly yet there were still lingering with worry within my voice.
-You better be, you worthless scums!

She said loudly, walking up to me, stopping nearly inches away from me.
I stiffened by her actions as I could feel her stare holes into my head.
She took a fistful of my shirt, bringing me deathly close toward the merciless gem's face.
-Or else I will be the one to crumble your gem with my bare hands and despose of you till nothing is left behind.

She said threateningly in a deep rough voice, her fist tightening on my shirt as she spoke. I could feel my soul slip out from my body as my face went pale.

I could feel Lapis's face press further into my back from the threat Jasper gave me, making me snap back to reality and something snapped inside of me, making my mood instantly shift. Sure, this gem was agitating and scary when threatening people, I could easy bring her down since I was a diamond.  But I had to play along for now.

I nodded viciously towards the gem as words couldn't form from all the terror the gem was emitting. She instantly let go of my clothes roughly, she walked passed me and the others, growling curses under her breath.

I let the air from my lungs out and my shoulders sloped down in relief. But before any of us could say anything towards each other, the unknown gem stopped in her tracks, eyeing us. Then her eyes landed onto Lapis, that was still hiding behind my back.

The unknown gem said, starring onto the blue gem. I could feel her tense up instantly at the gems rough voice as she grip she had on my clothes had tightened.
-I think I have seen you somewhere...

Wait! You are that disgusting worthless Lapis that trapped me on Earth!!

She continued to speak, her voice filling with anger, rage and disappointment. She stomped back up to us with fast steps. She was about to grab Lapis's wrists and drag her away but I blocked her with my body, not letting the orange gem get closer towards the blue gem.
-I'm sorry, but I won't let you do that.

I said calmly but my voice was dangerous. My eyes piercing into the the oranges gem's yellow ones.
-How dare such a wasteful low-level gem block my way.

The orange gem stated, not affected by my demanor. But somehow, that wasn't true, the orange gem felt threatened, scared even, but she didn't show such emotions towards us. Her words made something snap inside of me.
-Low-level? Me? You should know your place Jasper.

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