Chapter 11 The AI

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Black Diamond's Pov
Hours had passed since I was trapped and there was no sign of the AI as the living computer was dead quite.
I let myself calm down as I took calm, deep breaths as I didn't want to cuase any panic.
-Pearl, you must find a way out of here.
I will be fine by myself.

I said in a soft voice as I stared at Pearl that was pacing back an forth in pure stress and panic. Her head turned towards me the second I spoke. Her eyes widening with shock.
-NO, I will not leave you here my diamond!
You have saved me multiple of times and now it's my turn to help you.

Pearl said determined with a confidence voice, yet I could hear her voice slightly break from all the worry she felt.

I sighed softly knowing that Pearl was way to naive to leave me behind.
I looked up from my Pearl as I looked around with caution for any kind of sign from the AI yet still nothing, which gave me a chance to investigate the room further to give me any chance for any excape route.

My eyes landed to a crack in the wall where light shone thru, the hole in the wall was small very small for me yet it was enough for my Pearl to crawl thru, to excape this room.

I said, getting Black Pearl's attention once again.
-Yes my diamond?

She said a little with an questioning expression on her face.
-Look, there is a chance for you to excape. If you crawl inside of that crack in that wall, you will surely be able to excape.

I said as my eyes wandered to the crack in the wall, trying to point out where the crack was with my eyes. She followed where my eyes went and she saw it. Her head turned towards me with a worried expression as her eyes filled with concern.
-My diamomd I won't leave you alone here, I promised to help you, to assist you where ever you go. It's utterly disgrace for a pearl like me to leave their leader. It's my duty to stay with you.

She said, not convinced to leave without me. I gave her a small smile, trying to assure her that it was fine.
-It's okey Pearl, leave. If you manage to excape you could gather some help.
That way it won't be any betrayal to leave me like this. I promise you Pearl, it's okey to do so if there is a reason behind your actions.

I said, trying to convince her to leave this place. I don't care if I am stuck here for eternity but I will never forgive myself if Pearl is under any harm under my protection.

Pearl started but I stopped her before she could say anything further.
-Pearl, leave, it's okey.

I said with a calm assuring voice and I could hear her sigh in defeat. She nodded and walked over towards the crack in the wall. Her gaze turned towards my trapped form the last time as I nodded, signaling her that it was truly okey for her to leave.

Her eyes turned away from me as she crawl inside the hole in the wall, and now she was nowhere to be seen.

I let out a reliefed huff as I could feel my shoulder relax slightly from the worry of my Pearl to be hurt, that my dear friend would be hurt while I would have been stuck. To have no chance to help her since I was trapped in these black branches.

Minutes passed and no sign of anyone was detected, not even from the AI that was built into this place. The room was dead quite as there was nothing then myself that could make any sort of noise in these old ruins of a room that me and White built together.

Just thinking of this room gave me flash backs on those times. The time we built this place and what it caused.

I remembered that not long after we built this place, probably only a couple of hundred of years later for its creation. The AI had a bugg, that made the AI have feelings like any other gem. Feelings that gave the AI the feeling of loneliness everytime it was left alone this room.

Nowone knows why this happened to the AI or how it got the bugg. It just happened. So after leaving this room, after leaving the AI for years after years made it insane and lonely.

So when I return to this room for reparations it snapped and trapped me like this exactly as it did thousands of years ago. It wanted me to stay, to never leave ever again.

But that was a problem because my home wasn't this room, my home where with White on Homeworld.

White noticed my absent and searched for me, she found me and freed me. After that this room was told to be destroyed yet here it stands, untouched.

Why is it still standing, what prevented this room with the AI to not to be destroyed I thought as I was completely confused on why this place was still standing.

My mind was broken to reality as I heard noises coming closer and closer, it sounded like two or maybe even three gems talking. I couldn't make out a single thing they where saying, only mumbles.

They were walking towards my direction but something was wrong. This voice didn't sound anything like Pearl.

Who where they? What did they want from me I thought feeling worry rise but I kept my mind calm as I didn't want to show any sign of fear or weakness towards the strangers that was approaching me.

I had to stay strong even if times like this was hard, I have been taught to be like this by White ever since I emerged from the ground as White did.

The doors that lead to this room suddenly opened and my eyes widened in shock and confusion.

There they stood, staring at my defenseless self. Drawing out their weapons. Charging towards me without a second thought....

I felt everything slow down as the weapon where to pierce me.

Was this it? Was this my end?

The End
What would happen to Black?
Would she be alright or would she be shattered by these gems? That will you know in the next chapter my dear readers.

Hello you guys, I hope you liked the chapter and I wish you good luck.
See you guys in the next chapter and for now bye bye readers! 😘❤️

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