Chapter 14 The Dark Room

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Narrator's Pov
Millions of years passed by from when Black was shattered, her existence where soon nonexistent as it was now a rule to never speak of the diamond nor her name. If a single gem said her name out loud they where directly shattered without hesitation.
Now not many gems knows of the fifth diamond, she has now become a myth that no one was aloud to talk about, slowly her story had been erased from homeworld.

A few years after Pink was disclaimed shattered by Rose Quartz, the diamonds went mad and the war  between the crystal gems and Homeworld broke out and had begun. The crystal gems won, but they never expected the Diamond's secret weapon, a weapon that would deploy every gem on Earth, even their own gems.
The diamonds powerful light shone upon Earth one day, corrupting or shattering the remaining homeworld gems that had no chance of survival or getting away from Earth before it struck.

Rose Quarts managed to save a couple of her fellow gem comrades with her famous shield, but many of the crystal gems didn't make it. As only 4 made it, including Rose. But shortly only a couple of hundred of years later Rose fell in love, ready to give up her life to create something organic, something new. A hybrid between humans and gems. That child that might be the symbol of peace..

The remaining 3 crystal gems promised to protect the child and Earth, to protect whatever was left of Rose, of their beloved leader...

The child's name was...
Nowone's Pov

Amethyst yelled, grabbing attention from the 13 year old boy.
He waved towards her as she was running towards him along the beach shore.
-There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!

Amethyst once again said as she had reached the boy, she was breathing heavily from exhaustion from all the running to reach the hybrid.

Steven's Pov
-I'm sorry if I made you guys worried.

I said as I greeted Amethyst a small smile.
-Nah it's fine, just a little worried where you disappeared too. What are you even doing here?

Amethyst said with a smile on her face and an curious expression creeped on it as well as she glared towards the blue bucket I was holding in my right hand.
-Oh, I was just collecting some sea shells as I wanted to make something for you guys, but I guess it isn't such a surprise anymore.

I said as I looked onto the half filled bucket with sea shells with an dissapointed gaze.
She shook her head, denying it.
-I don't think your plan is destroy yet, Pearl and Garnet still don't know.
How about maybe I can help ya.

Amethyst said with a cheerful beaming voice and a big smile. Trying to cheer me up. My mood changed and hope still held on. Maybe she could help me find the items i'm trying to acquire.
-Yeah! That sounds great!
Do you know anywhere where I can find anything shiny or any string perhaps?

I said with a happy voice as I awaited for the purple gem to answer. She was quite a for a couple of seconds, trying to think of something that described my description. Then her face lights ups as if she thought of something amazing.
-I probably have something like that in my room!

Amethyst said as she grinned happily, enjoyed that she might be to help with my project. I smiled bright fully and we began heading back towards the temple.

-A couple of minutes message produces by Levi cleaning your emotional mess-

We finally arrived to the temple as Amethyst opened the door while I followed close behind her. Pearl and Garnet seemed to be out, fighting corrupted gems again I thought as I didn't see any sign of any of them in the building.

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